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The International Hub for Coffee Research The topics of interest for submission include, but
and Innovation, set up by Simonelli Group and the are not limited to, the following aspects:
University of Camerino to support the entire global
coffee industry by raising professionalism and prod- - Coffee and Health
uct quality, is crossing the finish line on its first - Volatiles in Coffee: the Sensomics Approach
year. To celebrate this anniversary, the Coffee Hub - Freshness Indicators
will organize the first of a series of international - Chlorogenic Acids and other Antioxidants
conventions titled “The Quality of Coffee: a never - New trend in coffee aroma analysis.
ending research”.
The conference will be in Camerino (Italy) at The scientific committee for the convention is
the university on Thursday 30 November and Friday made up of
1 December 2017. For the occassion Coffee Hub
published a call for papers: researchers, academics - Prof. Carlo Bicchi, Pharmaceutical Science &
and experts can send their abstracts on the subject Technology Dept., Turin University, Italy;
through - Prof. Sauro Vittor, iFood Quality and Safety Lab,
Here science and technology are at the service of Camerino University, Italy
the coffee industry, with this first international conven- - Prof. Chahan Yeretzian, School of Life Sciences
tion that follows several conferences with distinguished and Facility Management, Zurich University of
keynote speakers. Applied Sciences (ZHAW), Switzerland.
The International Hub for Coffee Research and In-
novation supports and integrates its primary research
activity with meetings and training for the entire inter- The International Hub for Coffee Research and In-
national chain. It is also a pole for new research with novation will be at HOST (Oct. 20-24) Pav. 24 Stand U56
other international people and organisations, academic where you can visit a real coffee lab with researchers
and from the coffee sector. working on different project on coffee and water.