Page 68 - #60 English
P. 68

c    CTI Class

              What are mycotoxins? They sound deadly! Does your   processing of coffee cherries involves a fermentation
              coffee have mycotoxins in it? I’m allergic to myco-  stage where mold can form on the green coffee beans;
              toxins.                                          so Bulletproof only buys coffees that have gone through
                                                               a newer style of processing usually referred to as Eco-
               Short Answer: Don’t worry about it, roasting kills   pulping, which uses reduced water and a mechanical
              whatever miniscule amounts may exist in coffee.  demucilager and washer, most commonly a Penagos
                   Long   Answer:                              machine, to separate bean from cherry.
                               Mycotoxins are mold byproducts
              of fermentation processes, including all green coffee   There is a kernel of truth here that makes the
              processing to some degree, which the Bulletproof com-  resulting  exaggeration  attractive:  traditional  coffee
              pany claims make it into your roasted coffee beverage   processing does involve some degree of fermentation,
              and interfere with energy and brain function. How-  which can cause mold, and eco-pulped coffees in fact
              ever, research shows that mycotoxins do not survive   do not meaningfully ferment during the cherry pro-
              the 450 degree coffee roasting process at any meaning-  cessing stage. However the wet beans from eco-pulping
              ful concentration. Also, mycotoxins are found in all   must still be dried as in other processing methods, and
              sorts of food in trace amounts (including breastmilk),   this opens up even eco-pulped beans to the potential
              with no observable health issues.                of mold forming. More to the point though, any sort
                  In coffee terms, Bulletproof are claiming that both   of mold formation is wildly detrimental to coffee flavor,
              traditional natural (dry) processing and washed (wet)   so every step of coffee production has been carefully
                                                               considered to minimize mold, and it is all but guaran-
                                                               teed that any specialty grade coffee you are drinking
                                                               is completely free of any mold defects.
                                                                   However, even for green coffee samples con-
                                                               taminated with mold, the health risks of drinking
                                                               the actual roasted coffee have been found to be all
                                                               but nonexistent. Way back in 1980, a meta-analysis
                                                               study of mold and coffee found that: “Because of the
                                                               extremely low frequency of findings, the low levels
                                                               of toxins, and the experimental data showing 70-80%
                                                               destruction by the roasting process of toxin added
                                                               to green coffee, further study on this topic has been

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