Page 67 - #60 English
P. 67

The presence of  Ketones  doesn’t  mean  that his
             body is using fat instead of glucose. HIs liver was still
             replete with glycogen from the previous day’s eating,
             and it takes time for the body to adapt its cells (muscles,
             organs etc.) to using fat as their primary energy source.
             The human body loves using glucose and will always
             choose glucose if it has the option. It’s very possible
             that all of the ketones detected in this test were exclu-
             sively from MCT oil, especially when you consider how
             they dropped off so quickly. If, however, the MCT oil
             actually tricked Matt into ketosis for those few hours,
             he could have been burning through my body’s fat
             stores as well. It’s a chicken or the egg scenario, but
             we’re calling it plausible.                       might enter temporary nutritional ketosis. Once in
               Reminder:   We know it’s not  a  medical  study. It   ketosis,  your  body  will  have  to  first  burn  through
             was only performed on one human and it does not   the calories from the MCT and Butter, and then it
             represent the whole population. Results may vary for   might  start burning  your  own  fat  stores  instead  of
   Long      others, but it sure is interesting!               using glycogen.
                                                                   So yeah, it could work, but you’re also drinking
             Alright. Give it to me straight. Can I leverage these   200 calories of butter fat that’s probably going to be
             quasi-plausible factors to get shredded?          stored as fat. Eating less will pretty much do the same
                                                               thing, and is markedly more simple.
               Short Answer:                                       Now’s probably a good time to reference the Bul-
                          Probably not. Just eat less.
                  Long  Answer:                                letproof Diet which, for the most part, steers the user
                              If you have an early dinner (pref-
             erably low carb), fast for 12 hours (including sleep),   away from carbohydrates. But if you follow common
             exercise vigorously early in the morning to deplete   ketogenic diet advice, there’s far too many carbs in
             liver glycogen, drink a Bulletproof coffee, and then eat   there (~10-20%) to maintain deep ketosis (~0-10%),
             nothing else for a number of hours afterwards, you   and you’d likely remain anabolic.

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