Page 62 - #60 English
P. 62
c Management
The concept of sustain-
able cafes and restaurants is
relatively new. Nevertheless,
the interest and awareness
about sustainable hospitality
business is growing. When it
was founded in 2010, the Sus-
tainable Restaurants Associa-
tion had just 32 members. Now
there are more than 4000, in-
cluding big chains such as
Carluccio’s and Costa. The SRA
aims to make restaurants glob-
al leaders in sustainability by That is why, 3fe has been making a move towards sustainability .
helping them to source more It’s something that’s always been in the back of their mind and they
responsibly, minimize their probably do a lot of it without thinking already, like recycling they
impact on the environment and waste and using locally sourced suppliers, but they think that making
engage with their communi- a concerted effort to do it right is better for the environment, our
ties. Simply put, sustainable suppliers and us as 3fe moves towards being a more progressive busi-
catering means not throwing ness in every way.
good food away. According to The Sustainable Restaurant Award membership (The SRA an-
World Resources Institute, nual award) has been instrumental in helping to achieve this. The only
food loss and waste produces other restaurant in Ireland to have this award at the moment is Loam,
8% of global greenhouse gas Galway, a Michelin star restaurant. Probably, a lot of you are thinking
emissions; moreover, it takes but they’re a Michelin star restaurant- sure! But 3fe figured why not.
land the size of China to grow They care and they want to be a better business so this is the next
food that’s lost or wasted, step. In fact we would argue being a sustainable business is the only
which is about one third of the way to run a business nowadays.
whole food production.