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Moreover, there are celebrities who attract a lot of at- tomer might have. If baristas start communicating their
tention to the coffee production, for example, Hugh dedication to the future of coffee, it’s easier for a costumer
Jackman and his Laughing Man Coffee Shop in New York. to get a deeper understanding of their place in the coffee
While travelling to Ethiopia to visit a community devel- value chain. If they know that they have great power over
opment project and he met a young coffee farmer named the chain because they get to decide where the money goes,
Dukale, who was working to lift his family out of pov- they might use this power. Baristas might expect custom-
erty. Hugh was so inspired that he opened the coffee ers to do the right thing, but they have to show them how.
shop and founded Laughing Man Foundation to support Baristas are the gatekeepers: people will venture as deep
educational programs, community development and into coffee as these coffee ambassadors allow them to. If
social entrepreneurs around the world. consumers feel that they are contributing to a bigger cause
they will be happier and more loyal, and this brings more
Taking part in a coffee festivals income. That is where human interaction and passion for
Coffee festivals
are hosted yearly in many cities around the globe. From coffee are the key: at the end of the day, passion pushes
New York to Melbourne, people gather to share the us to learn more, create more and to create better. Best
best coffee they have and try something new. Their of all, passion is contagious.
passion for the industry attracts more and more
people to get to know coffee and professionals behind These simple steps are easy to put in action. Nowa-
it. Coffee festival as any other festival is a fun way to days most of the people spend their free time learning
study coffee, meet new people and ask as many ques- something new, they might as well learn and support one
tions about the drink as you have. As any other festiv- of their favourite industries. There are different groups
ity, coffee festivals do not have any way formality, so of actors that are helping to overcome issues in coffee
everyone can just come over and spend some time in industry. These three groups, NGO’s, baristas and custom-
a nice atmosphere with a freshly-grind-coffee smell ers, need each other. NGOs need their story to be told
in the air. While it is a big event, there is also a point and their projects to be funded. Baristas need stories to
for coffee shop to participate in it, as people come to tell to keep customers happy. Coffee lovers need coffee
share experience and get to know new things, trying new and love stories and have some money to invest in the
coffees from new stores and listening to new stories is businesses and projects. The cycle can be very uplifting:
also part of the deal. NGOs do an amazing project at a coffee farm, baristas
spotlight this coffee for both its quality and its unique
Putting barista first story and costumers support this project by buying the
Coffee professionals are on
average really young, which gives them an enormous coffee which will allow NGOs do undertake another
amount of passion, dedication, and mostly free time. project. Don’t get demotivated when you hear that there
This time can be used for studying not only latte art are some problems, but get enthusiastic about what you
but also all the current aspects of coffee business. can do about it, look for solutions, both as a barista and
Barista is the first person facing the customer and the a consumer. All in all, what does not kill you make you
last part of the coffee chain, that is why barista is sup- stronger, and with our support coffee industry is here to
posed to be able to answer all of the questions that cus- stay. Are you ready to be a part of it?