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P. 56

c    Cover Story

                Changing the menu
                                                  Imagine next to the extra
              shot on the menu, there could be an option to pay 50
              cents to plant a tree or to add 10% from the price of
              your coffee to help charity organizations or any other
              NGOs. It is all possible and it is just a matter of time
              when cafes will start doing it. In fact, there is an Aus-
              tralian cafe, Handsome Her, that not only cares about
              environment but also about people around, stating as   Talking about cuppings, there are plenty of coffee
              one of their shop’s rule “men will be charged an 18%   shops that do it to let people compare coffees and
              premium to reflect the gender pay gap (2016) which is   understand what good coffee tastes like. Some-
              donated to a women’s service”. But let’s be honest about   how, most of the time cuppings seem to be a
              it, one of the most looked-at spot in any coffee shop is   professional event, but if you will let customers to learn
              of course the menu, so it is also the great place to start   and join cuppings, their general knowledge will increase
              any initiative and make it seen by many people.   and it is the best way to connect industry with the public.
                                                                      Screening a movie in a coffee shop is not some-
                Gathering people
                                           There are plenty of public events   thing new, but screening a coffee movie in a cafe
              that a coffee shop can host, just to name a few: cuppings,   is something that will definitely show coffee
              meetings with farmers, talks and lectures on any topic,   drinkers what is behind their drink. “A Film
              including coffee of course. Of course all of these events   About Coffee”, “The Coffee Man”, “Dukale’s Dream” and
              are aiming to make coffee industry more transparent,   “Black Gold” are one of the most famous movies about
              bring producer and consumer closer and keep conversa-  coffee industry. Watching a movie might be one of the
              tion open for any new issues there might be.     closest experience as most of time people tend to associ-
                     Public talks and lectures are a great way to tell    ate themselves with main characters. So if you would like
                     coffee story: coffee being an actual seed of a   your customers to take a moment and think about what
                     fruit, place of its origin, how and why it was   coffee chain is facing, let them see it from the first hands.
                     spread all over the world, why we like it, how
              we roast it, how we drink it and so on – there are a lot
              of topics to talk about in coffee.
                     Meetings with farmers will make a consumer
                     more aware of what exactly coffee is. It is not
                     just a ready-to-drink product on a shelf, behind
                     those beans are people that work hard to make
              your morning cup of coffee possible. For example, there
              is a coffee shop called Workshop in Vietnam, that halds
              annual New Crop Celebration, where coffee producers
              and farmers gather together to meet customers, intro-
              duce new crop, drink coffee together, participate in some
              small competition and just have fun. Workshop is one
              of the great examples of how to learn and have fun at the
              same time.

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