Page 52 - #60 English
P. 52

c    Cover Story

                   One more good example is Anacafe: Anacafe, in Guatemala, did   Special thanks to
               provide emergency funds for their farmers to be able to afford fungicide
               to handle the outbreak; which is very important, but it is only a tempo-  • The Alliance for Coffee
               rary fix to a larger problem. Moreover, relying on central coffee organi-  Excellence (ACE)  is a non-
               zations (e.g. FNC) that have been able to combat rust in an effective way   profit, global membership orga-
               and help farmers to get more information on how to work in a changing   nization that upholds the highest
               environment can also be an asset for the whole coffee chain. These or-  standards in specialty coffee
               ganizations are composed of experts, and can provide resources that   through our program Cup of
               have been vetted in an appropriate manner.                        Excellence, ensuring coffee ex-
                                                                                 cellence to empower farmers.
               Future                                                                • Café Imports is bring-
                                                                                 ing to the global market the
                   Nevertheless, not enough is being done. According to FairTrade,   highest quality green coffees in
               there 125 million people worldwide depend on coffee for their liveli-  the world by sourcing, develop-
               hoods, with such a big number these people expect their governments   ing, and  innovating at  origin,
               to support their craft and the industry they work in. For example, the   while empowering farmers with
               program that Thailand had put together, that embraced fermentation   price, traceability, and long-term
               practices as well as proper growing techniques. The Government imple-  partnerships.
               mented this program in the 80s and it provided technical stations     •  DRWakefield  is sourc-
               throughout Northern Thailand. FNC through its CENICAFE research   ing coffee company that works
               stations have provided varietal research and soil analysis for its farming   with over 20 origins, for nearly
               members in Colombia. These specific programs are very important and   50 years. DRW has endeavoured
               have provided a range of services. Rewarding quality, improved farmer   to work with a high degree of
               training and finance support are the biggest factors towards creating   ethics, accountability, compli-
               success. It will take actors on all levels to support this proposition.  ance and sustainable practices.
                   What is more, without a good price the farmer cannot learn and    • The National Federa-
               invest. Without a good coffee the buyer cannot reward good quality with   tion of Coffee Growers of
               a high price. It is a slow process, both working hand-in-hand, and we are   Colombia, (Spanish: Federación
               getting to a good place. Knowledge and relationships are building long   Nacional de Cafeteros de Colom-
               term sustainability. Treating each other with respect, such as in a fam-  bia) often abbreviated FNC, is a
               ily, will breed success. Coffee is here to stay and it crosses every bound-  non-profit business association.
               ary to bring us all together.                                     The federation supports research
                                                                                 and development in the produc-
                                                                                 tion  of  coffee  through  grants  to
                                                                                 local  universities  and through
                                                                                 federation sponsored research
                                                                                 institutes. The federation also
                                                                                 monitors production to ensure
                                                                                 export quality standards are met.

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