Page 50 - #60 English
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c    Cover Story

                                                               abandoned farm can contaminate the surrounding
                                                               farms. Some organizations do help the farmers, but
                                                               not enough is being done in the smaller producing
                                                               countries. If a farmer is a member of a co-op, there is
                                                               greater chance of them receiving finance, equipment
                                                               and technical assistance to fight the any troubles.

                                                               Generation Gap
                                                                   Even though the farm knowledge is much better
                  Growing coffee is a hard work that gets more dif-  now than 20 year ago, there is still the question: how
               ficult by the year. Producers cannot keep up with the   and to who farmers should pass their craft and knowl-
               climate changing especially without special educa-  edge? There is a new emerging “millennial” generation
               tional programs. “I think you cannot point out the one   that may not be interested in farming coffee that their
               responsible in the whole coffee chain: everyone is re-  parents generation are currently managing. In Latin
               sponsible,”  says  Teresa  Fan  from Volcafe.  The  com-  America, many younger people do not see a future in
               pany hires local farmers to train them, giving them   farming. This was taken up at the Producers Forum in
               coffee plantation skills: how to analyze the soil, how   Colombia a couple months back. Hard economically
               to chose your variety, what is the best, including pick-  unsafe work cannot attract young farmers to continue
               ing, sorting, drying and even how to do the parchment.   path of their parents. What would it take to make cof-
               After the training the farmers are responsible for pass-  fee farming  attractive again?  The best way to draw
               ing the knowledge and train others in their region. This   more young people back to farms is to pay more
               way they have a good job and they develop their craft   money for coffee, provide opportunities to grow and
               and help other people to improve, being co-responsible.   be proud of what product they do, this pride can come
               “And we have a lot of examples of people studying and   from producing a specialty product. There is the de-
               then going back home to help their families to earn   mand for traceable coffees and a better understanding
               more money even with similar weather, similar attitude   of sustainability from the market, meaning there is a
               and similar variety. The key is the knowledge. We do   living in the business of farming. The specialty sector,
               not train or hire farmers for charity, the better coffee   and being able to craft a coffee flavor are all aspects
               farmers do the more profit everyone gains. And it is   of helping to bring the younger generation back to
               also our interest to give them more knowledge of that,”   their family farm. But of course, one must not forget
               adds Teresa. New methods of farming and farmer train-  price – the young family members can only come back/
               ing are critical for any true advancement. Farmers   stay on the farms if the farm provides a living for them,
               need to follow advice, and ensure they use        and that means we as consumers must pay a sustain-
               the right methods for their farms. They              able price, with fair trading practices to ensure
               also need to work together, as one                     we have a supply of quality coffee.

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