Page 54 - #60 English
P. 54

c    Cover Story





                  Re a d -
              ing about cli-
              mate change can
              be very demotivating
              and confusing for anyone involved
              in coffee. It can give us the feeling
              that we won’t be able to do anything
              about it because it is too  compli-
              cated and we are too insignificant.
              In  the  previous  part  we  already
              talked about what is going on at the
              origin and who and how is helping
              coffee production there. Now it is
              time to talk about how the rest of
              the chain can be involved. As each
              and every of us is part of this chain
              we cannot escape but admit that
              people on every level are responsi-
              ble for prosperity of the industry.

                                                                                 Big companies like Stabucks, Mc-
                                                                             Donald’s, Nespresso and Illy are already
                                                                             working on the future of coffee. They
                                                                             might be protecting their revenue over
                                                                             the course of decades, but at least they
                                                                             are investing money in keeping the
                                                                             coffee production going. They’re not
                                                                             messing around either; some of them
                                                                             have  vouched to  spend hundreds  of
                                                                             millions of dollars on projects at origin.
                                                                             In 2014, Starbucks invested more than
                                                                             $3.7 million in Origin Community
                                                                             Grants to help support the health and
                                                                             stability of coffee farming communities
                                                                             from Africa and Latin America. Mc-
                                                                             Donald’s has been investing  more than
                                                                             $6.5 million over four-and-a-half years
                                                                             in a technical assistance program to
                                                                             help approximately 13,000 coffee farm-
                                                                             ers  in  Central  America  produce  and
                                                                             process more sustainably.

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