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Each step, from cultivation to cup, is both in the scientific and entrepreneurial worlds. The Centre
of key importance on the road to quality. is run by a steering committee that guides research, and a
To grow the coffee industry we must open scientific committee which is the executive arm, carrying out
ourselves to the entire world of science, a administration and monitoring research. A team of scientists
philosophy on which the International Cof- and international subject- matter experts carry out research
fee Hub for Research and Innovation was with the support of students and in collaboration with inter-
founded by Simonelli Group and the University of Camerino, national research centres.
one of the oldest universities in the world, established in To this end, the Centre’s Scientific Committee actively
1336 and today one of the most accredited institutions, with seeks collaboration with other research centres that maintain
international scientific collaborations in chemistry, physics, high standards for knowledge and skill, to establish an inter-
biotechnology and food science. national scientific team of experts in coffee.
The goal of the International Cof- Researchers (internal and external) working with the
fee Hub for Research and Innovation is Centre can carry out their activities in an integrated manner
to increase the quality of espresso and at university laboratories and facilities. Calls for research
cappuccino coffee, and to increase their papers will screen for the best work relevant to the Inter-
consumption. national Coffee Hub for Research and Innovation, and to
Today, consumers are more aware identify researchers who are qualified to beon its research
and quality conscious than ever, and baris- team. The evaluations are based on the degree of innovation
ta professionalism and development of the specialty coffee and the impact it can have on the coffee chain. Authors will
industry are at an all-time high. The International Coffee be invited to present their papers at scientific events, after
Hub for Research and Innovation supports the entire global which the research will be published. The Centre’s Scientific
coffee supply chain in its growth and quality pursuits, espe- Committee will support its primary research with training
cially at the product development stages, working to raise the for operators along the entire supply chain, as well as out-
professionalism of operators, with the goal reach via international educational activities dedicated to re-
of maximising consumer satisfaction and searchers, coffee operators and others who want to enhance
development of the market. At the Centre, their knowledge. Training courses that share knowledge and
science and technology are at the disposal contribute to research results will also be offered.
of the coffee industry, to achieve new A conference for the science and coffee fields will be held,
quality goals. This research Centre, while where the Centre’s research will be presented, as well as papers
based in Italy, was created from an inter- from other entities. International experts in the field will also
national perspective, to become a driver of excellence for be invited to speak. The Centre will also offer scientific services
coffee knowledge and know-how. It has become an attraction and research at other international events, conferences and
for study and research into coffee chemistry and engineering. trade journals, along with establishing its own website and blog
Simonelli Group and University of Camerino aim to to get the word out about its research. This is how the passion
ensure synergy among research projects carried out at the for science, which inspires the University of Camerino and the
Centre, to be at the service of cultural and technical-scientific passion for coffee culture, which is in the DNA of Simonelli
growth for the world’s coffee supply chain, and to keep the Group, are brought together in the service of international re-
doors of the International Hub for Coffee Research and In- search, to be translated into innovation to benefit the fascinating
novation open to future participation with other partners, world of espresso and cappuccino.