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         Coffee as a force for good      Building  quality  from  the
                                         ground up
             Nespresso  was  founded  in  1986
         and revolutionized the food and bever-  A purveyor of high-standard coffee
         age  industry  by  creating  single-serve   grown to specifically meet a distinct taste
         capsules,  and  machines  that  utilize   and flavor, Nespresso promotes biodiver-
         these capsules, to brew premium cof-  sity and healthy ecosystems through its
         fee. With the launch of this new prod-  agroforestry efforts. Trees are crucial to
         uct came new value chains to address,   farming communities as they add insula-
         and the company knew early on that   tion layers that maintain stable ground
         corporate sustainability would be inte-  temperatures. Their roots also keep soil
         gral to its business. In order to use the   intact to prevent land erosion, especially
         world’s  best  coffee  beans,  the  brand   during heavy rains or winds. To help build
         finds the world’s best coffee-producing   resilience and protection for frontline
         regions to deliver “long-term positive   communities directly facing the effects of
         impact to farmers, society and the en-  climate change, Nespresso has committed
         vironment.”  In  2014,  the  brand   to planting more trees around these vul-
         launched  its  sustainability  strategy   nerable areas. Consumers have a role to
         called The Positive Cup, and every year   play in reforesting too – in 2014, a part-
         since then it hot issued a shared value   nership  between  the  brand  and  PUR
         report to track key achievements, also   Projet  gave  consumers  and  Nespresso
         outlining  SDGs  in  which  it  works  to   employees the ability to plant trees in
         contribute towards each year.   South America, Central America, Africa,
              In 2003, Nespresso launched the   and Southeast Asia through their purchas-
         AAA Sustainable Quality™ Program in   es. So far the collaboration has planted
         partnership  with  Rainforest  Alliance   over 4.5 million trees, and counting!
         to  offer  specialty  coffee  that  can  be   Nespresso was also the first major
         traced back to the coffee farms. A first   coffee company to reinvest in the produc-
         of its kind, the program ensures that   tion of high quality South Sudanese coffee
         all crops within participating farms are   in 2011 after the industry collapsed during   Coffee can be
         set up to minimize damage to the en-  decades of conflict. The investment, set
         vironment and improve the well-being   up with the international non-profit orga-  a force for
         of the families that on the harvest for   nization TechnoServe, helped establish
         their livelihood. For the last 15 years,   coffee cooperatives and processing capa-  good because
         the program has helped people practice   bilities in the Yei region, a coffee-produc-
         sustainable farming methods that guar-  ing hotspot in South Sudan, which, along   it can shape
         antee  multiple  benefits.  Farmers  are   with Ethiopia, is said to be one of the
         also taught how to safeguard their land   cradles of the coffee plant. Nespresso   communities
         for future uses. Participating producers   later pioneered the Reviving Origins pro-
         receive  training  and  technical  assis-  gram with the aim to revitalize coffee   and preserve
         tance that encourage the adoption of   agriculture and local economies in regions
         good farming habits such as guidance   affected by adversities such as conflict,   landscapes for
         on  fertilizer  amount  or  wastewater   economic hardship, and environmental
         management after milling. To provide   disasters. Preserving the tradition and   the better,
         additional levels of support, the pro-  history of coffee-producing countries like
         gram  aids  farmers  by  paying  30-40   Colombia, Zimbabwe, Puerto Rico, and   leaving a posi-
         percent “above-market” price for their   Uganda  remains  an  important  part  of
         yields. Currently, more than 120,000   Nespresso’s mission to this day.  tive impact on
         coffee farmers in 15 countries partic-  Outside of agricultural training and   the lives of
         ipate  in  the  program,  and  Nespresso   support, Nespresso developed a financial
         sources 95 percent of its coffee through   literacy  program  with  Root  Capital,  a   people and
         the  program,  including  48  percent   non-profit social investment fund that
         from Rainforest Alliance and Fairtrade   uplifts underprivileged, environmentally   nature
         Certified farms.                vulnerable places with lending capital, to                                                                                                       Reviving Origins program in Uganda.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Photo / courtesy of Nespresso
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