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                          Countries that
                    produce coffee have

                    long faced obstacles

                     that were worsened

                       by the pandemic.

         Coffee and community live-      be hard for farmers to switch to other
         lihood                          crops because coffee trees require large
                                         and long-term investments on the land.
             The coffee industry provides jobs   Production costs have steadily increased
         for over 125 million people around the   in recent years while institutional sup-
         world, including employing people on   port for farmers and workers has deplet-
         12.5 million farms, up to 80 percent of   ed. As in the case of national investment
         which are primarily in developing coun-  for agricultural development, the fund-
         tries.  The  income  is  critical  to  many   ing has always been low or has declined.
         families,  communities,  and  govern-  Such changes in production, on top of
         ments. Yet countries that produce coffee   shifts in consumer habits both due to
         have  long  faced  obstacles  that  were   COVID-19  and  despite  of  it,  will  not
         worsened by the pandemic. These in-  only devoid billions of coffee drinkers
         clude health risks due to disease out-  of their daily fix, but it could also en-
         breaks, harsh labor conditions, pests and   danger the source of income for millions
         infestations, and gender discrimination   of families around the world.
         on top of wage or hour violations. Such   The coffee industry desperately
         regions have also seen growing opera-  needs change. How can today’s brands
         tional concerns such as lack of incentive   step up to respond in a purposeful and
         for modernization, inadequate training,   authentic way?
         and seasonal labor shortages. The coffee   With  the  establishment  of  the
         industry  has  historically  been  set  up   2030  Agenda  and  the  United  Nations
         with systemic flaws that destabilize the   Sustainable Development Goals, com-
         livelihood of smallholders: while farm   panies all over the world have shaken
         prices fluctuate in international markets,   up their business plans to reassess their
         supply is generally dominated by a few   impact  through  17  critical  universal                                                                                UNITED NATIONS SDGS
         producing countries. Moreover, coffee   pillars.  Here’s  how  3  major  coffee
         creates export dependency for its pro-  brands stepped up their corporate social                                                                      In 2015, world leaders decided on a series of global goals that
         ducers with only 30 percent of all coffee   responsibilities to meet the urgent calls                                                                 will act as “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable
         sold within producing countries. It can   of our generation.                                                                                           future for all” with a deadline year of 2030 that became the
                                                                                                                                                                  United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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