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Blending coffee is an art a manifesto called Blend for Better to
showcase its sustainability commit-
Lavazza was founded in 1895 by ments worldwide. “To blend means to
Luigi Lavazza as a small Turin grocery unite diverse entities that, when work-
store turned generational coffee manu- ing together, enhance each other’s im-
facturer, growing from humble begin- pact tremendously,” the brand says, “just
nings to a world-recognized brand to- like coffee blends unite diverse ingredi-
day. Built on the concept that combining ents to awake millions of people around
coffees from different parts of the world the world each morning.”
creates the best blends, Lavazza exper-
iments with various beans, roasting Street art & sustainability
methods, grind size, and treatments to
craft unique aromatic profiles, similar In 2018, Lavazza and Turin
to how artists experiment with colors, launched the “TOward 2030. What Are
textures and layers. You Doing?” project that transformed
With over 125 years of history, various locations of the city into life-
Lavazza has also been a big proponent sized works of art. The brand invited
of art, culture and design, a vision that local and international artists to share
helped the brand grow exponentially in their interpretations of the SDGs
the 1950s and 60s era post World War through public spaces and the universal
II. Luigi also had an initial philosophy language of street art. Its mission was to
to care for the Earth, a notion that the spread awareness about the global goals
team continues to respect through con- and mobilize people to learn, take action
tributions to the economic, social, en- and see that 2030 is quite literally “just
vironmental, and cultural assets of the around the corner.” With this project,
countries in which it operates. Over Turin turned into an open-air art muse-
time, these efforts turned into cam- um and became the world’s first ambas-
paigns that reflect Lavazza’s deep sense sador city of the SDGs. In addition to
of social responsibility, whether that’s existing goals, Lavazza created their own Photo / Simonetta Cavazza Artwork by Ernest Zacharevic
working towards the SDGs or publishing 18th goal called Goal Zero which aimed
to promote and spread awareness of the installations to something virtual: last bring them to life through creativity.
SDGs. Sustainability affects everyone year’s campaign, titled #TOwardTOmor- ”Artivists“ from all over the world in-
Artwork by Gabriel Pitcher
Photo / Doug Gillen and humanity’s strength lies in unity to row, was a digitalized version of the cluding Lebanon, Mexico and of course
create change, so Lavazza set itself the internationally acclaimed campaign that Italy, teamed up with organizations that
ambitious goal of bringing people as leaned into the power of social media to ranged from Pangeaseed Foundation
close as possible to these issues. Through unite and provide economic support for (ocean conservation) and Art of Am-
art and culture, Lavazza found a way to artists through these difficult times. The nesty (human rights) to spark conver-
provoke discussion and reflection initiative called attention to global is- sation in a meaningful way.
around sustainable development, asking sues, via the SDGs, that have been ex- These days, TOward 2030 is up-
passersby and tourists a question that’s acerbated by the pandemic. TOward heaving the streets of Bristol, United
as direct as it’s provocative – “what are TOmorrow brought together 17 NGOs Kingdom with a new series of illustra-
you doing?” from around the world, using art in their tions that champion the importance of
Lavazza hosted many iterations of sustainability activities. The NGOs act- the SDGs. Lavazza hopes to bring this
TOward 2030 since the project’s incep- ed as an SDG ambassador and artists project to more cities around the world
Artwork by Gomez tion. When the pandemic hit in 2020, were invited to interpret each NGO’s as sustainable development continues
Photo / courtesy of Lavazza
the brand pivoted from in-person art mission and related SDG, in order to to weave into our daily lives.
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