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RESEARCH: SCAE is associating
                                             with the University of Copenhagen and
                                             Zürich to look deeper into coffee. It is now
                                             looking into the effects of grinding coffee
                                             and the brewing methods, the influences
                                             of the filter and different forms of filter,
                                             and etceteras. SCAE not only do research
                                             at universities, but also in the field with
                                             the governments. SCAE is recognized by
                                             governments around the world because
                                             they are really trying to promote cof-
                                             fee farmers to produce a higher quality
                                             coffee. Last year Ms. Tiemes worked to-
                                             gether with the government of Antioqia
                                             in Colombia to train and authorize local   Subcommittee of World Coffee Events
                                             barista and trainers to deliver SCAE Cof-  and licensed for delivery to SCAE and
                                             fee Diploma System. The students were   SCAA. This training program prepares
                                             funded by the government on the condi-  judges to take part in National Competi-
                                             tion that their skills would benefit the kids   tions but also serves as a step-up to go to
                                             of coffee farmers and for this group these   WCE Judge Certification together with
                                             Authorised SCAE Trainers had to deliver   National Competitions experience. The
                                             the Training for free a couple times per   unique thing about this training is that also
                                             year. This year the program will continue.   Barista ‘s and coaches are welcome to see
                                                 PLAN: This year SCAE Education’s   what judges look for in their presentation.
                                             main focus is quality control. Ms. Tiemes   The first edition of this Training Program
                                             reveals that SCAE team will show up unan-  found place at the Nuova Simonelli Fac-
                                             nounced and observe their trainers whilst   tory 16-19 February. In July, SCAE plans
                                             on the job. They will also be doing quality   doing a tour in Asia, delivering WCEP in
                                             control by working with consultants in   cooperation with Nuova Simonelli, the
                                             countries that are doing audits on behalf   WBC Machine Sponsor 2015-2017.
                                             of SCAE. All these troubles, just to ensure      TRENDS: ASIA VS EUROPE, Ms.
                                             that trainers are following and delivering   Tiemes, from experience mentioned
                                             in the way SCAE rules applies, so coffee   that trainers in Asia will be in brewing
                                             quality are preserved.             before they step into espresso. However,
                                                 PLAN for Asia: Vietnam, China,   in Europe, they all start in the espresso
                                             Indonesia, and Malaysia are obviously   machine, then brewing. Soon, it will
                                             growing at a fast pace, the need for cof-  probably balance out. She also sees that
                                             fee education is exploding. Unlike South   interests in roasting is becoming bigger,
                                             Korea, Japan, Singapore, and Thailand,   “people are trying to improve their own
                                             where people are already more experi-  skills in different aspects of coffee.” At
                                             enced in Championships and Specialty   the moment, the exploding market is in
                                             Coffee. SCAE is working more and more   the Middle East, in Dubai which attracts
                                             with companies that are becoming more   huge interest in the whole Middle East,
                                             interested in training than just only selling   there is a high requests for quality cof-
                                             espresso machines as certificates become   fee, as well as quality education. As a
                                             more and more important in the whole   representative of SCAE, she observes that
                                             world and a machine can only deliver   in this industry, people are united, like a
                                             through the barista working it. World   family. “You can see that people in the
         Annemarie Tiemes is the Education Field   Coffee Events, SCAE and SCAA recently   coffee business is really working to help
         Manager                             launched WCEP, World Competitions   each other and not against each other,
                                             Education Program, developed in the last   and that’s what I really love. The whole
                                             three years by the Instructional Design   coffee industry, it’s about being to share
         due to its setting being at shows, seminars                            the love and passion for coffee, and that’s
         are briefed to 45 minutes per sessions for                             happening more and more.”
         specific subjects so audiences can choose                                   CONSUMER: Ms. Tiemes concluded
         what they want to learn accordingly. Also,                             that consumers are ones who are the
         next to the seminars at GulFood was the                                most important in this industry. As the
         SCAE Brewbar where the World Latte                                     supplies grow, the demand needs to grow
         Art Champion Christian Ullrich, World                                  too. Though, there is also a fast growing
         Cezve/ Ibrik Champion Stavros Lamprini-                                learning curve of the consumers which
         dis and World Barista Champion Hidenori                                is growing in number, consumers need
         Izaki showed their skills and worked side                              to explore and discover Specialty Coffee.
         by side with local Barista’s and with cof-                             Ultimately, consumers are the one who
         fees from Local Roasters                                               decide the success for coffee industry.
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