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P. 65
Giancarlo Caiazzo
Brand Ambassdor
The quality and friendly packaging smoothies, milkshakes and frappe but
quickly led Mixer to become the leading also hot and indulgent beverages like
producer and supplier of concentrate lattes, coffee mochas and hot chocolates.
puree mix in Italy with a 42 % share of Mixer concentrates are at their best in the
the market. In recent years, 2 generation preparation of frozen drinks whether they
family members have joined the company are cocktails, smoothies or frozen coffee
and Mixer is now quickly expanding into beverages guaranteeing an unrivalled taste
European and overseas markets. At the and texture in the final drinks.
beginning of 2014 the company was selling
to 11 export markets and by beginning
2015 this number as doubled. Quality
and superior yield with a lower cost per
drink and the multifunctional use of the
products are key determinants in the
adoption of Mixer puree products and Moreno Salmi
the companies never ending search for The President of MIXER SRL
local products is helping to build Mixer’s
pioneer reputation. Mixer products work
well with many ingredients such as spirit,
coffee, tea, soda, milk, yoghurt and ice
cream so they are easily used for prepara-
tion of a multitude of cocktails, lemonades,
flavored soda, iced teas and iced coffees,
Mixing tanks
Mixer’s booth
Bottling line
Mission statement
The aim of the company is continue
to offer integrated beverage solutions
and to ensure that our customers are us-
ing our products correctly. We organize
work -shops and product’s demonstration
events both in Italy and in our interna-
tional markets where we try to have fun
and give drinks solutions to our clients
with a smile.
We are looking for qualified part-
ners who wish to share our vision and
who will help us to bring our products to
a wider audience. SE Asia is of particular
interest and the feedback from these
markets for our company and products
has been exceptional in 2014.