Page 66 - #45 English
P. 66
Article by: Sutdrip
Photos by CTI Team, Exporum
SCAE’s plan for the world
in year 2015-2016
In this issue, we had an opportunity to converse with WHAT: SCAE was formed in 1998 with the core
the representative from SCAE, Annemarie Tiemes, at the objective of improving the quality of coffee in produc-
SIGEP 2015, Italy. Let us sneak a quick look into SCAE’s ing and consuming countries, with mission as “inspiring
plan for the world in year 2015-2016. excellence in the coffee community through innovation,
WHO: Annemarie Tiemes is the Education Field research, education and communication.” SCAE has over
Manager for SCAE since August 2011. She has been dy- 2500 members in 70 countries and operate through local
namically occupied in coffee since 2009. While working chapters in 35 different countries. SCAE communicates
as a Maître-Sommelier at that time she totally found her the latest developments in the specialty coffee industry
passion in the coffee world after being a volunteer at SCAE to its membership, conducts professional training and
World of Coffee 2009. She is now giving education about certification programs, organizes origin site visits, con-
Specialty Coffee all over the world. Her major focus now ferences and competitions and is a recognized authority
is to communicate with SCAE’s international trainers for with government organizations to lobby for coffee quality
quality control, and really push to ensure everyone is causes. SCAE also takes positions to defend coffee quality
following the rules of SCAE to preserve the finest quality and to ensure a fair deal for everyone.
of trainers. She is now the face of SCAE headquarter on WHAT: SCAE education, according to Ms. Tiemes,
shows around the world and explains about SCAE and the with 750 trainers around the world, recently delivered its
Coffee Diploma System. SCAE Coffee Diploma System 30,000 certificate since June 2011. SCAE is starting to do
is education system aimed to meet the needs of coffee more of the seminars, they were held at the SIGEP, Italy
professionals everywhere. It is a controlled and certified the last two years. Seminars content were every of the
system with a curriculum written and updated by the best subjects concerning the coffee chain, which are: diploma
minds in the coffee industry. [Source:] Ms system, green coffee, sensory skills, brewing, roasting,
Tiemes mainly supports the Authorised SCAE Trainers, and barista skills. The interest in seminars at shows will
talking to people who are interested in becoming a pro- continue to grow as proves the last one at GulFood in
fessional trainer and organizes SCAE Education related Dubai. Seminars enable coffee matters to be more impor-
events. tant and more accessible for everyone at no cost. Even so,