Page 52 - #56 English
P. 52

Cover Story

               LITTLE PARTICLES
               BIG CONTRIBUTIONS

               They say that shepherds were the first ones    ESPRESSO FOR EYES
               to discover that coffee can increase our       In a world, full of stress and family obligations, the
               energy level. But it is not so well know that   vast majority of us are not getting enough sleep,
               coffee can be a part of your beauty regi-      which is the best way to go about acquiring puffy
               men.Researches showed that the antioxi-  eyes and dark circles. Game changer: coffee can help you get a
               dants in coffee can fight premature aging   morning pick-me-up for your eyes, not just your brain.When ap-
               of the skin and increase memory. Caffeine   plied with eye creams, the caffeine helps reduce under-eye puffiness
               is helpful in calming inflamed and red skin,   by restricting blood flow to the area and reducing swelling.
               as well as  minimizing cellulite. It can even
               prevent and repair damages from sunlight.
               Some researchers even recommend people   TIPS Lynda Torrey, Director of Education at The Woodhouse Day Spa, recommends
               to take more caffeine to reduce the risk of   saving the grounds from your morning pot of coffee and setting them aside to cool
               skin cancer. Caffeine, as ingredient, is used   before applying to the under eye area and eyelids. Hang out or soak in a relaxing
               in more and more beauty products.    bath for about twenty minutes, then rinse off the grounds with cool water.

                                                            LATTE FOR FACE
                                                            Rich of antioxidants as it is, coffee can fight skin aging
                                                            by damaging free radicals and threats, created by heat,
                                                            light and pollution.The skin care products, that contain
                                                  caffeine, are light-bodied, non greasy, like a latte with silky milk
                                                  foam. Some sun-screen lip-balms even contain coffee beans essence
                                                  to soften dry, chapped lips. Sometimes it works together with avo-
                                                  cado and olives for sun-protection and reducing wrinkles. Caffeine
                                                  ingredients in anti-aging products are extracted from coffee cher-
                                                  ries, which are indeed an antioxidant blast. The contribution to reduce

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