Page 79 - #61 English
P. 79
The first ever interna-
tional Chemex Cup
Although the Chemex
is among the most
po p ul ar b r e w ing
methods in the specialty coffee
scene, unlike the Aeropress, it
doesn’t have its own champion-
ship. That changed when Berlin-
based specialty coffee roastery
Coffee Circle hosted the first in-
ternational Chemex Cup during
the first day of the festival. Nine
coffee lovers competed and Haid-
er Adams from Poland came in first
as he managed to convince the jury
in all three rounds.
Coffee professionals RECUP reusable de-
put social media on posit system for cof-
the agenda fee-to-go
The prominent Berlin- RECUP is tackling the
based ‘The Barn’ roast- challenge to make the
ery hosted a discussion around the coffee-to-go culture less wasteful
opportunities of social media for through reusable cups made from
coffee businesses and invited Michal 100% recyclable plastic that form
Molcan, the founder of Standart part of a deposit system. The
Magazine, to be part of the panel. The project launched in the small city 1.Haider Adams
general consensus was that social of Rosenheim in 2016 and has
media is vital in promoting a coffee spread to Munich, Berlin and 2.Ralf Rüller (founder of The Barn), Gintare
business and that influencers can other major cities in Germany. At Adomaityte (PR professional) and Michal
help spread the message. However, the festival visitors were encour- Molcan (founder of Standart Magazine)
instead of just looking at the number aged to ‘borrow’ a cup to use for
of followers the panel agreed that tastings by paying 2€ and at the 3.The RECUP team
the engagement rate is a much more end of the day return it to receive
important figure to look at. back the 2€ back they had paid.