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c Brand
According to LMC International, every year, been the main coffee NGO of Colombia, with pres-
29.000 tons of coffee extract are utilized worldwide. ence in all rural areas where this fruit is produced
Among the main consuming countries of it, Asia in the national territory. Its central axis is the cof-
stands out due to its remarkable growth of 36%, fol- fee producers and their families, so that the busi-
lowed by North America with 3%, Europe with 0.7% ness is sustainable and the communities strengthen
and East Asia with 0.2%. their social fabric.
In Colombia, throughout its territory, amid The Federation, owns and works together with
mountain ranges, diverse topography and types of several entities that belong to this great family and
climate, the coffee plantations stand out and the crop that, although, carry out different activities, are
acquires a special touch. This results in a varied sup- aimed at achieving the well-being of the Colombian
ply of cup profiles given by the climatic conditions coffee growers. These are:
of this country that make possible to offer fresh cof-
fee during the whole year.
Unlike other coffee-growing countries, Colombia Cenicafé: National Center for Coffee Research
has a coffee institution that works for the sustain- 01 that studies aspects related to farm production,
ability of the grain and guarantees the well-being of harvesting, yield, grain quality, handling and
coffee growers. This is the FNC or National Federa- utilization of by-products of coffee production,
tion of Coffee Growers, considered as one of the besides the conservation of the natural re-
biggest rural NGOs of the world. Since 1927, it has sources of the Colombian coffee zone.