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P. 80
c Trade Show
Home brewing with The annual German
design icon “Theresia” Aeropress Champi-
by Victoria Arduino onship took place at
Victoria Arduino never Five Elephant
ceases to amaze when Another highlight at
we talk about design and quality of the Berlin Coffee Festival was the
professional espresso machines. German Aeropress Championship,
However, did you know that they which was hosted by Berlin-based
also produce an espresso machine coffee roastery Five Elephant. The
for home brewers? “Theresia” was winner Chloe Nattrass, an Austra-
designed by Massimiliano and lian national, had already won the
Doriana Fuksas, two great architects German Barista Championships in
that enjoy an international reputa- 2016 and was able to prove her
tion, and only 300 pieces are in abilities and professionalism once
production each year. The polished more at this occasion. She will
stainless steel covering has been compete again on an international 6.
folded 112 times by hand to stage during the WBC in Seoul
achieve the final look. Inside, the later this year.
machine is equipped with a dual Cuppings and cof- A new chapter in
boiler technique that can other- fee tastings the history of quality
wise be found only in high end Cuppings and coffee espresso - Rancilio
professional machines build for the tastings are a great way Classe 11
gastronomy sector. to start a conversation The Rancilio Group
Selo Green Coffee - with customers about the latest displayed a unique type of pro-
Refreshing lemonade coffees that a business has in stock. fessional espresso machine at
with caffeine Both individual cafés and exhibi- the Berlin Coffee Festival. The
Selo is a start-up that tors organized numerous events Rancilio Classe 11 stands out
was founded 2015 in around tasting coffee during the due to its intuitive technology
Berlin to promote the fact that cof- festival, which was a great way to and the ability to set up indi-
fee is a fruit through an innovative learn more about coffee that is cur- vidual temperature profiles with
product: the Cascara lemonade. rently in season. Cafe Imports which one can influence the
Unfortunately, Cascara has been Europe, importers of fine specialty taste of the espresso. A touch-
banned from the EU market in green coffees, showcased a great screen allows users to navigate
March this year, which is why the selection of coffee from Costa Rica, the menu easily and quickly and
guys from Selo came up with an introduced by the green buyer Luis a few other perks include the
alternative: Selo Green Coffee. This Arocha. I particularly enjoyed a possibility to play an image film
refreshing lemonade with caffeine natural from Finca Sabonilla. It was on the machine or a certain
is made from green coffee extract, processed by the micromill Las soundtrack. A great novelty for
gentian extract and lemon. All cof- Lajas, which produced some of the all baristas is its new heat insu-
fee is sourced from a cooperative first high-quality Honeys and lated steam wand that eliminates
in Sierra Nevada, Colombia. Naturals in Central America. the risk of scalding.