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02     Manuel Mejía Foundation:  promotes ad-   04     Cooperativas: their social responsibility
                                                                       lie in ensuring the purchase of coffee from
                       vanced  training processes with various
                       Colombian populations, such as coffee           all of the Colombian producers.
                       growers, agricultural producers, union
                       leaders, youth, adults, families, teachers      Committees: organize, guide the guild and
                       of educational institutions, female com-  05    execute the different plans and programs
                       munity, involved in the promotion of            with the support of the municipal commit-
                       agricultural activities and livestock, and      tees of coffee growers.
                       collaborators of the companies of the
                       coffee union.                            06     Buencafé: was created in 1973 by the Na-
                03     Almacafé: a logistic service company            tional Federation of Coffee Growers with
                                                                       the great purpose of adding value to the
                       with its own strategic and management           most representative product of the coun-
                       characteristics to store coffee, positioned     try and generating welfare for coffee grow-
                       as the first 4PL logistics operator in Co-      ers by transforming green coffee into
                       lombia.                                         soluble coffee.

                  Buencafé is the only freeze-dried cof-               emphasizing that it is “an extract of coffee
              fee factory in the nation and one of the                 totally natural, roasted to a medium to
              most technified and large in the world,                  dark level that gives it an intense charac-
              which  processes  a  high-quality coffee                 ter,  balanced  with  the  soft  notes  of  Co-
              extract that recently obtained interna-                  lombia’s coffee and abundant in pleasant
              tional recognition. Using 100% Colom-                    aroma.”
              bian coffee and pure spring water, Buen-
              café uses the freeze-drying process,                         According to the experts, a good qual-
              which aims to freeze the coffee extract                  ity coffee extract should be 100% natural,
              at very low temperatures, allowing to                    this means without addition of any stabi-
              concentrate the aroma and flavor of the                  lizer  or  ingredient  different  from  coffee
              fruit  in  order  to  produce  a  drink  of             and water, in order to preserve intact the
              excellent characteristics and great                     delicate volatile components. Having an
              quality. The Factory currently pro-                    exceptional international recognition grant-
              duces 11,500 tons of concentrated coffee extract    ed by renowned chefs and sommeliers in the
              and freeze-dried coffee each year, exporting its    coffee extract prepared in its natural state, as
              production to 63 countries on five continents. Its   an ingredient and as a beverage, confirms that
              main clients are in Russia, United States, United   it is a very versatile product that can be accom-
              Kingdom and Japan.                                  modated to any product of the food industry.

                  This year, Buencafé obtained 3 golden stars of      “For Buencafé, being awarded with 3 gold-
              the Superior Taste Award, an important distinction   en stars from the best experts in taste and
              granted by the International Institute of Flavor and   flavor is the confirmation that the wonderful
              Quality iTQi, based in Brussels, due to the exquisite   subtle notes of freshly roasted Colombian Cof-
              composition of its concentrated coffee extract.     fee are very well preserved in Buencafé frozen
              Buencafé´s coffee extract is made with only the best   coffee extract, which makes it the ideal ingredi-
              quality coffee from Colombia and is mainly used to   ent to enrich all food delicacies with coffee
              prepare ice creams, cakes and desserts. In countries   flavor”, says Carlos Osorio, Buencafé Research
              like Korea and Japan it is widely used in the prepa-  and Development director. And finally, it is also
              ration of ready-to-drink coffee beverages.          important to note that the profits obtained by
                                                                  the factory in the export of its products are
                  In order to compose its jury, iTQi works in     invested in benefits for 560,000 Colombian cof-
              partnership with the 15 most prestigious culinary   fee growers’ families, generating value and
              institutions. These strict jurors (chefs and somme-  welfare by guaranteeing them the present and
              liers) evaluated the product in three categories: in   the future of the coffee activity in Colombia.
              its original state, as an ingredient and as a beverage,

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