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P. 78
c Trade Show
From 1st to 4th September Overall the festival was a
2017 the people of Berlin, national great success and we’ve seen a
and international guests celebrated steadily growing interest in high
the Berlin Coffee Festival. It was quality coffee in Germany - also
the third edition of the event that judging from the increasing num-
gathers passionate professionals ber of attendees. Another devel-
and coffee enthusiasts once per opment is that the specialty
year. On Friday and Saturday many coffee scene is constantly pro-
workshops, talks and tastings were gressing and innovating, spread-
organized all over the city, where- ing the message about third wave
as on Sunday and Monday coffee coffee while seeking to make the
companies, roasters, baristas and supply chain more sustainable
customers met in Markthalle 9, a from seed to cup.
market hall in Berlin Kreuzberg, to Check out the top 10 high-
continue cupping and engaging in lights at this year’s Berlin Coffee
conversations about coffee. Festival: