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 Social media has                                       Complexity
 had much influence                                         What does it actually mean? When we think about

 on the industry as                                     complexity, the first thing to pop into our heads would
                                                        be flavor. The inflation of specialty coffee culture meant
 well, in order to cater                                that the dark and bitter wake-me-up that we all knew
                                                        too well became a thing of the past and brought about
 to a new generation                                    an uprising of flavor chasers who sought after a myriad
                                                        of fruit flavors and the occasional hint of florals. With
 audience.                                              the help of modern apparatus, researchers found over
                                                        1,000  volatile  compounds  present  in  roasted  coffee
                                                        beans. Coffee professionals and consumers alike grew
                                                        obsessed with the complex flavors that modern coffee
                                                        had to offer.
                                                            Since buy-and-go coffee had dipped in popularity,
                                                        coffee  shops  turned  into  sanctums  where  one  could
                                                        hang out in the company of friends, or simply bask in
                                                        the pleasures of watching the world turn as they sip on
                                                        a delicious cuppa. Social media has had much influence
                                                        on the industry as well, in order to cater to a new gen-
                                                        eration audience, we’ve witnessed an influx of coffee
                                                        shops pouring bigger investments into aesthetic inte-
                                                        rior and crockery, all for Instagram.
                                                            The rise of specialty coffee brought about tailored
                                                        service offerings and experiences, each cafe had its own
                                                        personality  and  signature  style  of  roasting  or  even
                                                        brewing  coffee,  which  would  come  to  be  its  unique
                                                        selling point. Specialty coffee baristas undergo rigorous
                                                        training to master the craft of coffee-making to deliver
                                                        paramount  flavor  in  the  cup.  This  skill  set  includes
                                                        brewing techniques, milk steaming, latte art, and reg-
                                                        ular  cupping  sessions  to  refine  their  taste  buds  for
                                                        flavor calibration.
                                                            Of course, the exquisite taste would be for naught
                                                        without world-class hospitality, a huge part of the gig
                                                        includes providing the highest standards of customer
                                                        service  and  the  ability  to  assess  a  customer’s  taste
                                                        preferences in order to recommend a coffee that each
 Coffee has come a long way since the days of old, with   individual customer might enjoy. At the pinnacle of that
 new-age specialty coffee bars popping up all over town at an   craft,  we  have  barista  competitions—a  yearly  affair
 unprecedented rate. As the coffee scene progressed into its   where coffee professionals from all walks of life gather
 third wave, we saw a greater emphasis on the quality and   and battle it out for the championship title. Competition
 consistency of coffee products, especially with an increased   season is always rough, but showcasing their talent on
 demand for freshly roasted, whole coffee beans. It was then   the world stage can be a huge game-changer for profes-
 that the beverage evolved from an abused energy booster to   sional baristas, opening doors in their career.
 a cultivated sensory experience.                           While  complexity  in  flavor  meant  the  world  to
 As the coffee industry evolves it becomes more com-    specialty coffee, it was not the only complexity intro-
 plex and multi-faceted. In the last few years, we have seen   duced in the third wave. The growing concern for the
 a rise in awareness of the importance of sustainability and   effects of global warming sparked widespread awareness
 ethical trade practices, as well as a greater focus on conve-  for sustainable living habits. As such, coffee business-
 nience. How did this happen and what is the importance of   es had to roll with the punches and rethink their busi-
 these new complexities?                                ness practices to support the sustainability movement.

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