Page 43 - #87 eng
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C Story / Maximillian Wee
Convenience and
Sustainability as Added
C offee is the world’s second most-traded commodity
and one of the oldest as well. As the world’s main
source of caffeine, it is the most socially accepted
chemical dependency with several proven health
benefits including increased energy levels that jump-start the
body’s metabolism, improved productivity, and brain functions
such as memory and reaction time.
The earliest credible evidence of coffee consumption dates
back to the middle of the 15th Century, but we know not from
where exactly it originated. Specialty coffee, on the other hand,
was not conceptualized until late into the twentieth century where
its first mention can be found in a 1974 issue of the Tea and Cof-
fee Trade Journal, a term coined by the late Erna Knutsen, revered
as the godmother of specialty coffee.
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