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considered such as equitable distribution of resources, and The C market rep-
fair trade prices paid to producers.
There are an incredible number of factors that influence resents the current
business activities employed by coffee producers across
regions. In order to achieve a sustainable economy, the exchange rate for
production of exceptional specialty coffee requires econom-
ic stability at the source. Fair prices paid to farmers would arabica coffee
allow them to invest back into the farm and their commu-
nity. More often than not, the prosperity of the farm is reaped regardless of origin.
by the community—providing jobs, and even financing
structural development or resources for education. This means that
Because of the seasonal nature of coffee and the fact
that it is a volatile crop grown in abundance, each purchase coffee prices are not
is part of its own economy. The C market represents the
current exchange rate for arabica coffee regardless of set by the producers,
origin. This means that coffee prices are not set by the but rather are deter-
producers, but rather are determined by market forces.
Thus, coffee prices may not always cover the cost of pro- mined by market
duction. In fact, it is often considerably less, which is
devastating to the producers. forces.
Sustainable farming practice is still a major issue that
we are working on across the industry, it is a delicate prob-
Sustainability run. Furthermore, plant-based milk has a long shelf-life and lem that requires tact and finesse from the top down. Ulti-
does not necessarily have to be stored in a refrigerated mately, what specialty coffee businesses are trying to convey
Broadly speaking, sustainable practices are concerned environment which could improve inventory management through their staple product offering is that premium taste
with the conservation of our biodiversity as it would be less likely to induce unnecessary wastage. does not necessarily have to come from premium produce.
When talking about sustainability in the coffee sector, Although an added complexity would be that baristas will By improving the average cup quality of coffee, producers
we’re mainly referring to two main branches—ecological have to be well-versed in multiple milk preparation tech- stand to earn more from their harvests, and consumers will
preservation ideologies dictate that resources used to pro- niques, as different types of plant-based milk taste best at find themselves paying less for a decent cup of coffee as
duce goods and services should not be harmful to the envi- varying temperatures and may require different degrees of businesses reap higher margins
ronment, and socioeconomic factors such as sustainable texturing by steaming. Come 2020, the pandemic spurred nationwide lock-
agricultural practices and fair trade. Yet another pressing issue is sustainable farming downs on a global scale, and society was forced into func-
First off, let’s address the elephant in the room. Why which aims to tackle two troubling issues—to minimize tioning from the comfort of our homes. When you think
do we have so many kinds of milk these days? The rise in the carbon footprint of the production and consumption about it, this new normal turned out better than we
popularity of milk alternatives was not only a result of of coffee. On the surface, coffee shops are pressured into thought. Social butterflies transitioned into homebodies
businesses adapting to customers with allergies or lactose replacing disposable wares with environmentally-friend- and because of this, another level of complexity was born
intolerance, you’d be surprised to find out that dairy-free lier counterparts such as wooden stirrers and biodegrad- in the coffee sector.
living is becoming a fairly common lifestyle choice. On top able paper cups and lids.
of this, plant-based milk requires less land and water to farm Down the complex supply chain, the rest of the indus-
than dairy and produces fewer greenhouse gasses. For that try holds a responsibility to practice sustainable business
matter, cows, or really any other livestock, are high main- activities as well by adopting climate-positive agricultural
tenance as compared to crops, resulting in higher consump- management practices which also incur higher costs. Al-
tion of resources. though sustainable and ethical coffee beans are able to
With the consumption of animal milk on the decline, command a higher selling price, coffee farmers might suffer
plant-based milk is fast becoming a lucrative market with where the higher returns are marginal or insufficient to
no signs of stopping anytime soon, especially with the cover the inflated cost of production. Whereas for consum-
younger generation; some crowd favorites include oat, soy, ers, it is much simpler for us to minimize wasteful behavior
coconut, and almond. Offering plant-based milk on the menu and develop sustainable habits.
opens doors to a whole new market. There aren’t many Building a sustainable business, in every sense of the
reasons for a coffee business to not provide such alternatives, word, is certainly no easy feat. Even with advancements in
especially since turning away a large population of paying agricultural practices, roasting methodologies, and brewing
customers could be detrimental to the business in the long technology, there are humanitarian aspects that must be
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