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                                                                                                                      term shift of global demand toward instant coffee is only   turers  have  begun  developing  biodegradable  and  even
                                                                                                                      growing  stronger,  with  close  to  no  developed  countries   reusable  coffee  capsules  and  filter  pouches.  These  are
                                                                                                                      left where the majority of coffee consumed is instant, and   mainly made from recyclable composites that can be bro-
                                                                                                                      the demand is more than enough to compensate and keep   ken down into microorganisms to reduce the dent caused
                                                                                                                      global growth projections quite positive. These complex-  by waste and pollution, promoting sustainability.
                                                                                                                      ities inspire business leaders to differentiate and leverage   Instant specialty coffee, yes it’s a thing. It comes in
                                                                                                                      technologies  in  new  ways  to  make  their  offerings  stand   different shapes and forms. On one hand, we have frozen
                                                                                                                      apart from the competition and better adapt to consumers’   coffee  capsules  from  the  likes  of  Cometeer,  and  on  the
                                                                                                                      changing preferences.                           other end of the spectrum, we have instant specialty cof-
                                                                                                                          Ready-to-drink  coffee  is  growing  to  be  a  norm  in   fee which utilizes a low-impact freeze-drying process to
                                                                                                                      specialty  coffee  shops.  You  might  be  familiar  with  the   form instant coffee granules rather than the typical com-
                                                                                                                      usual suspects such as cold brew or even nitro on tap, but   mercial methods of creating instant coffee through a high
                                                       Convenience                                                    have you ever had hot black coffee from a tap? Conceived   heat drying process which negatively impacts the flavors
                                                                                                                      in  2018,  the  now  prominent  Single  O  from  Surry  Hills,   and aroma of the coffee. They do have one thing in com-
                                                           The  global  health  crisis  neither  conceived  nor  in-  Australia, was one of the first known self-serve batch brew   mon though, and it is that all we need to do on our part
                                                       spired  customers  to  demand  convenience,  but  it  has      bars. The proprietary prototype supposedly brews a whop-  as consumers is to add a little hot water, give it a good stir,
                                                       certainly  kindled  these  trends  to  new  heights.  As  the   ping forty times faster than a traditional espresso machine   and enjoy a delicious brew of actual specialty coffee made
                                                       world transitions into a new normal, businesses are com-       and  promises  to  serve  up  your  morning  joe  in  no  more   in seconds.
                                                       pelled  to  explore  omnichannel  retail  offerings  to  stay   than 15 seconds. It was a bold move for the cafe to invest   At the end of the day, the solutions to balance coffee
                                                       above the market—even as consumers leave the comfort           in its black coffee offering but an unsurprising one con-  quality and convenience are as unique as the environments
                                                       of their homes.                                                sidering that batch brew coffees have grown to make up   in  which  they  operate.  One  look  at  the  evolving  retail
                                                           A  recent  study  from  the  e-commerce  automation        an average of 23% of orders in coffee shops these days.  landscape demonstrates that there is no “one size fits all”
                                                       platform, Linnworks, found that while cost is still a major        Let’s not forget about the offerings available to our   approach. The retail environments we visit on a regular
                                                       factor in purchasing decisions, nearly one in two consum-      avid home brewers, an “athletic” lifestyle choice that we   basis will always reflect a focus on the coffee experience
                                                       ers surveyed stated that convenience was now more im-          take pride in. While some of us have just started exploring   with  unobtrusive  solutions,  minimal  waiting  time,  and
                                                       portant to them than price when choosing retailers to shop     the world of brewing higher-quality cups at home, some-  expanded  beverage  options.  Whereas  the  reality  is  that
                                                       at. What does this mean for specialty coffee shops, and        times we simply do not have the luxury of time in-between   the majority of coffee drinkers at home will prefer auto-
                                                       how can they act to adapt to the needs of consumers while      Zoom meetings to fully immerse ourselves in an extended   matic  drip  or  single-serve  pod  machines  because  they
                                                       maintaining the good name of their brand that they have        brewing process. Coffee capsules and coffee drip bags, or   appreciate the convenience and minimal fuss.
                                                       worked painstakingly to establish?                             what some of us may call coffee pouches, are quick and   So how important is convenience in coffee? Simply
                                                           Food  delivery  is  a  booming  industry  and  has  been   surefire  methods  of  brewing  a  decent  cup  of  coffee  at   put, the demand for convenience is certain to increase at
                                                       over the past five years. Even though today we’re legally      home. While some may argue that the trade-off for qual-  a staggering rate, even as we transition back to our usual
                                                       permitted to step out into the open world and touch some       ity is simply not worth it, there are many in the industry   routine. That being said, consumers are willing to sacrifice
                                                       grass, there’s a bunch of us (you know who you are) who        that have been working to address this concern.  quality for convenience so long as the trade-off does not
                                                       would much prefer setting up camp in front of our com-             Following in the footsteps of Nespresso™, automat-  surpass a certain threshold, which varies for each individ-
                                                       puters rather than take a hike and get some fresh air, or      ed home brewing apparatuses have been sprouting up over   ual. All in all, convenience and sustainability seem to be
                                                       lunch. Adapting for delivery has been a challenging process    the past decade or so. The most notable contraption that   two complexities that are here to stay. The good thing is
                                                       for dining establishments, having to assemble a dedicated      has made strides in recent years would be The Morning   that they are not mutually exclusive, and it is up to the
                                                       delivery menu while allowing customers to customize their      Machine, an intelligent Nespresso™-compatible pod ma-  industry to provide solutions that satisfy both. So, what
                  At the end of the                    dishes  based  on  dietary  preferences,  rethinking  store    chine that brews your coffee to perfection every time, just   do you think will be the next complexity introduced in
                                                       design and kitchen flow to keep up with delivery orders,
                                                                                                                                                                      the coffee industry?
                                                                                                                      as the roaster intended. Roasters are able to dial in dedi-
            day, the solutions to                      and some are even extending hours to meet the growing          cated recipes for different capsules and upload them onto
                                                       demand  for  off-peak  orders.  Essentially,  food  delivery
        balance coffee quality                         gives customers only a taste of an establishment’s offering    a database, which users may access from their smartphones
                                                                                                                      connected to the device through the mobile app, in which
                   and convenience                     but many prefer it as a more convenient option. Moreover,      the  coffee  will  be  brewed  according  to  the  pre-defined
                                                       the establishment has to provide a wide variety of food
                                                                                                                      parameters. The Morning Machine allows for custom rec-
             are as unique as the                      and drink options all at an affordable price to counterbal-    ipes to be defined by the user, and also features a mode
                                                       ance  the  commission  and  delivery  fee  imposed  by  the
                                                                                                                      for brewing drip bags!
                                                                                                                          While  all  that  is  impressive,  coffee  drip  bags  and
        environments in which                          delivery service.                                              capsules have raised environmental concerns as they grow   Nespresso™ is the world leader
                                                           Specialty coffee businesses have been resisting au-
                                                                                                                                                                      in coffee machines and coffee maker
                         they operate.                 tomation  wherever  possible,  believing  it  would  detract   increasingly  popular  in  households.  In  response  to  the   technology. Cappuccino, coffee,
                                                       from the quality that they take pride in. Albeit, the long-
                                                                                                                      negative environmental impacts, coffee product manufac-
                                                                                                                                                                      lattes, for home and business.
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