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        Rebel With a Cause                             a lot of disadvantages to new competitors. By publicly show-
                                                       casing her preparation process for the USBC, Morgan hopes
            From a family with no avid coffee drinkers, Morgan’s   it  can  help  more  baristas  who  want  to  compete  in  major
        way to rebel when she was 16 was driving to a coffee shop   championships get an idea of how to go about it...
        first thing after she got her driving license. Now 23, she   Moreover,  she  also  noticed  that  most  of  the  coffee
        showed her rebellion by releasing her signature recipe right   served in competitions are rare, delicious drinks that are
        before the USBC competition. “I decided to publicly pub-  often highly inaccessible. “It is a pity that some of the most
        lish my USBC process, including my signature drink, very   precious and wonderful coffee experiences are not able to
        intentionally,” she told us.                   be celebrated by the general public. I wanted to challenge
            For competitors, keeping recipes and ideas only to   myself to see if I could find a way to allow people to enjoy
        themselves  is  the  norm,  especially  during  major  barista   a  taste  of  what  the  judges  were,”  Morgan  told  us.  When
        championships. It usually takes baristas months or even   Morgan released her signature recipe, she recommended to
        years of effort to develop a strong idea to compete. There-  the audience what sort of coffee would provide a similar
        fore,  it  is  natural  that  they  are  not  willing  to  leak  their   taste experience to what she was serving the judges in the
        recipes to let others get inspired. It is genuinely risky for   final. Thus, the audience could also sip while listening to
        Morgan  to  publicize  her  signature  drink  and  her  USBC   her presentation.
        routine during the competitions, and probably no one has   The result was stunning. “It was incredibly emotional
        actually done that before. Morgan confessed that she did   to see that happen in real-time. When I got off the stage at
        get anxious before she posted her recipe online. She said:   USBC and looked at my phone a few hours later, it was ab-
        “It was nerve-wracking, of course. It felt like a lot of vul-  solutely amazing to see that there were many folks who had
        nerability for something that I cared deeply about.”  been able to recreate my drink and enjoy it themselves at
            Why did she insist on doing it anyway, even if it might   home,” Morgan recalled the feeling.
        lead to a failure in this important competition? This would   It is unknown how much Morgan’s action would change
        trace back to her first USBC competition experience. At   the dynamic of the barista championship. However, her pi-
        that time, Morgan realized it was difficult to access pro-  oneering  work  will  encourage  and  help  other  baristas  to
        fessional training and preparation processes if you were   compete and improve for sure. Also, there is no denying that
        not part of the “coffee competition community”. It gives   the coffee industry still has a lot of issues, such as unsus-

               Morgan Eckroth                                                                                         tainable  wages,  and  the  lack  of  knowledge  of  customer
                                                                                                                      service skills, as Morgan reckons. However, as part of the
             2022 U.S. Barista Champion                                                                               new generation in the coffee industry, Morgan certainly
                 and runner up in 2022
                                                                                                                      tries to take responsibility and contributes to the industry
             World Barista Championship
                                                                                                                      in her way, no matter if it is through her barista practice
                                                                                                                      or her creative content creation. She stated: “The coffee
                                                                                                                      industry has brought so much joy to my life and the lives
                                                                                                                      of others, but to continue doing so, we have to keep asking
                                                                                                                      how we can do things in a way that benefits all.”
                                                                                                                          “When I started as a barista, I think I viewed the
                                                                                                                      coffee  industry  through  very  rose-colored  glasses.  I’m
                                                                                                                      able  to  look  a  lot  more  critically  at  what’s  happening
                                                                                                                      around me while still holding a lot of love for the indus-  I just want to create
                                                                                                                      try  now.”  Morgan  concluded. The  next  season  of  the
                                                                                                                      barista competition has already started and even though   a spark that they
                                                                                                                      Morgan has not yet decided how she will be involved, she   can then continue
                                                                                                                      is determined to challenge herself in one way or another
                                                                                                                      and, of course, keep on trying whatever she can to help   to kindle if they wish.
                                                                                                                      the industry grow and improve.

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