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                                                             In the past few years, Morgan has continuously com-
                                                         peted in barista competitions and achieved various levels
                                                         of  success.  Of  course,  there  were  failure  moments  that
                                                         made her doubt herself. Especially in the 2020’s compe-
                                                         tition, she didn’t do as well as she wished. And that left
                                                         her feeling very bad about herself. She confessed that she
                                                         still didn’t feel she was actually “ready” to compete this
                                                         year.  However,  deep  down  in  her  heart,  she  knew  that
                                                         trying  and  competing  in  all  those  professional  barista
                                                         competitions is a fast track to growing, becoming a more
                                                         professional barista, and understanding the whole coffee
                                                         industry better. She enjoys the creative process of putting
                                                         together routines and especially collaborates with all the
                                                         other coffee talents from all different fields. “Don’t wait
                                                         until you feel ‘ready’ because that day may never come. If
                                                         you’re  thinking  about  competing  and  can  do  it,  then  I
                                                         highly suggest going for it,” Morgan suggested to other
                                                         baristas considering competing.
                                                             It feels surreal for Morgan that this season is over.
                                                         She told us that it is difficult to explain the range of emo-
                                                         tions she felt throughout it. Now it has been a few weeks
                                                         since the WBC. Looking back, what excited her most was
                                                         being able to share her coffee and her routine so many
                                                         times with her coffee peers and the public. She also felt
                                                         great joy that so many brilliant people are passionate about
                                                         coffee as she does, and putting so much effort into the
                                                         industry that she’s deeply in love with.
                                                             Officially,  Morgan  has  not  yet  decided  what’s  the
                                                         next big thing for her. This year has been transformative;
                                                         she only feels she has time to think now. However, one
                                                         thing for sure is that Morgan achieved personal growth
                                                         through the competitions. “I’m excited to take everything
                                                         I learned through USBC and WBC this year and apply it
                                                         to my life outside competition.” She is also now back to
                                                         her barista role, ready to serve more customers with even
                                                         better coffee and hospitality.
                                                         The Double Life of Morgan

                                                             Morgan actually has a degree in marketing and one
                                                         look at her social media will make you realize she is very
                                                         talented  in  what  she  does.  Apart  from  being  a  barista,
                                                         Morgan  also  works  full-time  as  a  social  media  content
                                                         creator. Her social media account @MorganDrinksCoffee
                                                         is a big hit across all the popular social platforms, includ-
                                                         ing TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube. Most of her posts
                                                         are short comedy videos meant to bring some laughter to
                                                         the audience by satirizing the everyday life of a barista,
                                                         but at the same time, try to help the general public get to
                                                         know specialty coffee and barista working life. “My goal
                                                         is to create playful videos that can poke fun at a job that
                                                         I dearly love,” she told us.

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