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 What’s  interesting  is  that   by  the  Living  Wage  Calculator,   webs i te   a l s o   i nclude s   a   d a sh -  they are seeing a lot of discon-
 t h e   f i r s t   a n d   l a s t   l i n k   o f   t h e   which  was  developed  by  Code-  board  that  factors  in    the  cost   tentment  in  the  South  African
 coffee supply chain, the produc-  4SA and Open Data Durban. Like   of  living,  province  of  employ-  context of baristas not knowing
 er  and  the  barista,  are  usually   the Living Wage Calculator, the   ment  and  transport  costs  in  an   what they are worth. “There was
 t h e   o n e s   wh o   m a ke   t h e   le a s t   Barista Wage Calculator (BWC)   effort  to  give  a  more  accurate   no tool and only hearsay, so we
 a m o u n t   o f   m o n e y .   C a n   t h i s   was created to assist employers,   representation  of  what  a  living   decided to take action. A baris-
 change  with  the  help  of  digita-  m a n a g e r s   a n d   ow n e r s   i n   t h e   wage should be. I had a conver-  ta that works for three years has
 lization?  The  team  behind  the   coffee industry to fairly negoti-  sation  with  Nkululeko  Mthem-  a  different  level  of  experience
 Barista Wage Calculator believes   ate a living wage for employees.   bu,  Carla  Leigh  Ziady,  Iain  Ev-  to  one  that  works  for  15  years
 i t   c a n .   T he   p ro j ec t   i s   a   j o i nt   B y   col lec t i n g   d at a   fo r   ove r   a   ans, Melanie Winter and Richard   and  has  participated  in  a  num-
 ve n t u re   by   C o f fe e   M a g a z i n e ,   year  ,  the  team  was  able  to  de-  Gevers, all members of the team   ber  of  courses  to  upskill.”  says
 South Africa’s dedicated coffee   velop  a  user-friendly  platform   b e h i n d   t h e   p ro j e c t ,     to   ge t   a   Iain.  “Different  skill  sets  need
 c u l t u re   m a g a z i n e ,   n o n - p ro f i t   t h a t   p rov i de s   a   m u c h - nee ded   b e t te r   u nde r s t a nd i n g   of   wh at   to be rewarded differently, like
 Open Cities Lab, product design   co nve r s at i o n   s t a r te r   b e t wee n   the future holds for digitalising   in any other job and we wanted
 and development company Black   baristas and cafe owners.  the  conversation  around  baris-  to help cafe owners understand
 Box, the Specialty Coffee Asso-  The BWC takes into account   tas’ wages.  why   a n d   h ow   t h ey   s h o u ld   b e
 ciation of South Africa and Ciro   t he   Nat i o n a l   M i n i mu m   Wa ge ,   Iain and Melanie, publisher   paying more for those skills. Of
 Coffee Academy.  experience  and  qualifications   and  editor  of  the  Coffee  Maga-  c o u r s e   a l l   t h i s   n e e d e d   to   b e
 The calculator was inspired   when calculating the wage. The   zine respectively, admitted that   verified with data.”

                                            Baristas play a big role
                                            in how the customer

                                            perceives coffee.

                                                Richard, founder of Open Cities   now. Given the nature of the project,
                                            Lab, goes further to say that both baris-  it  can  mostly  be  done  on  a  national
                                            tas and cafe owners can use this data to   level unless there is an international
                                            make more informed decisions but it’s   body that can help with cross-border
                                            important that it doesn’t stop there. “The   regulation  or  sufficient  funding  to
                                            impact of the app can show people cer-  support it.
                                            tain things but what we hope happens is   Carla,  Lead  Design  &  Project
                                            that the conversation continues with   Manager at Black Box, thinks there is
                                            decision makers, people that can actual-  still a long way to go with BWC, “It is
                                            ly affect change. In other words, we hope   conversation that is not had enough.
                                            that the technology, data and insight   Baristas  are  speaking  to  each  other
                                            becomes action and policy.”    about it but there is a general consen-
                                                Having a conversation regarding   sus that if you have this job then you
                                            wages is always a delicate matter. This   are  not  going  to  earn  very  well  and
                                            might also be the reason why this proj-  that’s the way that it is. Their ambition
                                            ect  only  exists  in  one  country  right   needs to be repsakred,” she says.

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