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                                                                                                                      sale on Rarible. They divided their goals   months. As I am writing this, they are   As Dan explains, the goal is to have
                                                                                                                      into seasons, with Season 1 focusing on   about to open their very first brick-and-  a direct relationship with a coffee farm
                                                                                                                      raising  funds  to  open  their  first   mortar cafe space in New York City,   and use the Crypto Baristas project to
                                                                                                                      NFT-funded cafe space in New York City.   which will be funded entirely by the sale   invest  in  said  farm’s  processing  and
                                                                                                                      In order to do this, they needed to mint   of their NFTs.      post-harvest capabilities.
                                                                                                                      and sell a total of 455 NFTs.       Inspired by the success of Season 1,   “We’re submitting our best lots
                                                                                                                          Basically, minting is the process of   the team is currently launching Season 2   into competitions like the Cup of Excel-
                                                                                                                      converting digital data into digital assets   of their project. This time around, they’re   lence to help secure 4x+ the value. That,
                                                                                                                      that are recorded on the blockchain. The   partnering with the Cup of Excellence, a   in turn, will allow us to raise the price of
                                                                                                                      team was successful in their efforts, and   high quality  coffee competition, to scout   all other coffees coming from the farm,”
                                                                                                                      were able to raise US $200,000 in just 4   potential farming partners in Honduras.   he explains.

         Crypto Baristas                Crypto Baristas, Season 2,     can be bought, sold or traded like any
                                        Episode 1: Transparency        other asset but because they’re built on
         Nick & Dan Hunnewell, founded the                             blockchain technology, they’re also se-
         Coffee Bros. Roastery in 2019, with
                                            And while Progreso is using the   cure and immutable.
         a mission to provide high quality,
                                        power of blockchain technology to in-  For many of us, blockchain tech-
         freshly roasted coffee while
         simultaneously supporting      crease digital inclusion in the coffee   nology and cryptocurrencies are still a
         initiatives that have a positive   sector, two brothers in New York decid-  bit of a mystery. Using digital assets like
         impact on the future of coffee.   ed to use NFTs (non-fungible tokens) to   NFTs to support coffee initiatives is not
         One year ago, Dan & Nick launched
                                        see if they could create a communi-  something you hear every day. At least
         “Crypto Baristas”, a project that
                                        ty-driven project that would support   we are not there yet. I reached out to
         allows coffee lovers to enjoy a
         unique experience while supporting   coffee initiatives.      Dan to find out more about their proj-
         coffee initiatives at the source.  Nick & Dan Hunnewell, founded   ect and discuss digital assets like Cryp-
                                        the Coffee Bros. Roastery in 2019, with   to  Baristas  that  can  have  a  positive
                                        a mission to provide high quality, fresh-  impact  on  transparency  practices  in
                                        ly roasted coffee while simultaneously   coffee sourcing.
                                        supporting initiatives that have a positive   “Many people are still suspicious
                                        impact on the future of coffee. One year   regarding cryptocurrencies” says Dan.
                                        ago, Dan & Nick launched “Crypto Baris-  “It was a challenge to convince people
                                        tas”, a project that allows coffee lovers   that this was a serious project. We were
                                        to  enjoy  a  unique  experience  while   not experts ourselves and we are still
                                        supporting  coffee  initiatives  at  the   learning a lot.”
                                        source. NFTs are used to create this one-  The brothers teamed up with lead
                                        of-a-kind event.  These virtual  world   illustrator Tony Bui to create a fun-loving
                                        tokens are a type of cryptocurrency that   and caffeinated bunch of 60 hand-drawn
                                        represents a unique asset. These assets   characters, which they then put up for

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