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A Different Kind of Digital
Tool for Baristas
You might have noticed that most
efforts revolving transparency tend to
Perhaps in the future, customers focus on the supply chain. In other words,
where the coffee comes from and what
will be able to interact with farmers goes on before it gets on our hands. But
when they walk into cafe. what about the people who actually make
our coffee? The baristas. At a first glance,
it might seem that talking about transpar-
ency regarding barista wages might not
The team is also looking to use the project to create a transparent business have a place in this article, since it’s a
project to establish a transparent farmgate model that can be replicated by other subject that does not directly involve the
price for their partner farm. Coffee Bros. coffee companies.” coffee supply chain.
believe that by displaying the farmgate What I also found interesting is And what I mean by that is, a
price and production costs, they can help that some of the money raised from conversation about someone’s work
push for change in the way consumers season 1 will help with construction and earnings usually involves discussing
think about the coffee they’re buying. the conceptualization of how to tie the labor laws and policies, which are
During our chat, Dan confessed to me that digital world with the physical. As Dan different from country to country. So,
the duo had some issues with their import- explained to me, a portion of proceeds on the one hand, we have a global
ers not being transparent about the prices will explore how to tie the MetaVerse product, coffee, and on the other hand
they were paying to farmers. and the real-life experience together in labor laws that vary depending on
“They were withholding data and their new cafe space. Perhaps a future where you are in the world. This can
were very reluctant to show us anything where a customer can walk into a coffee make it difficult to have a coherent
when we asked. It’s really important for shop and directly interact with the farm- discussion about transparency when
us to be able to show the consumer where er who produced their coffee is not as it comes to barista wages.
their money is going. At the same time far away as we think. But if we think about it, baristas
we want to ensure the long-term success Crypto Baristas is a project that’s are an essential part of the coffee in-
for the farm we partner with,” he says. still finding its feet, but it’s good to see dustry, and the way they’re being
“Our focus lies in transparency and a team that’s so laser-focused on trans- treated says a lot about the kind of
sustainability regarding all aspects-- cre- parency. It’s also a great example for transparency that exists (or doesn’t)
ating a more efficient and transparent showing how to use digital assets to invest in the industry. Within the profes-
supply chain for Coffee Bros., upgrading in real-world projects in the coffee sector. sional coffee community, we often
equipment and processing technologies, I think the brothers are taking a step to- regard baristas as ambassadors of our
and improving the physical health, men- wards the right direction and I have a industry. They are the ones who have
tal health, and payment structures for feeling that as Season 2 progresses they direct contact with the customer, and
those that work on the farm. Ultimately, will work even more on transparent they play a big role in how the cus-
the goal is to use the Crypto Baristas practices regarding data collection. tomer perceives coffee.
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