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                                                            It’s essential to have                                     short,  digital  tools  are  changing  the   ic community is called Digital Coffee   by these tools to their benefit? I think
                                                                                                                                                                                     what many companies don’t understand
                                                                                                                       coffee industry and the way business is
                                                                                                                                                      Future and albeit still small, it’s growing
                                                   a very local context when                                           done. Leveraging such tools to create a   fast. Digital Coffee Future is  a virtual   when  developing  digital  tools  is  the
                                                                                                                                                      hub that focuses on coffee digitalisation
                                                                                                                                                                                     challenges on the ground,” Elisa says.
                                                                                                                       more transparent coffee industry is a
                                          developing these digital tools.                                              logical next step.             and it’s open to any coffee actor. The idea   “You really need a local perspective.”
                                                                                                                                                      is that by creating a neutral and pre-com-  Elisa believes that it is essential to
                                                                                                                       Boots on the Ground            petitive space, different stakeholders can   have a very local context when develop-
                                                                                                                                                      have more efficient and effective con-  ing these digital tools and that it takes
                                                                                                                           When I started my research, I was   versations  about  how  digital  and   time and effort because each cooperative
                                                                                                                       most curious about the initiatives and   non-digital interventions can work to-  has different needs.
                                                                                                                       projects that are currently underway to   gether to improve the coffee industry as   “Co-ops  in  Central  and  Latin
                                                                                                                       make the coffee industry more transpar-  a whole.             America are contracting software devel-
             But one thing is for sure: in recent   standing this information and what it means   The access to such an amount of   ent with the help of digital tools. I wanted   By bringing together  farmer orga-  opers to build their own system that
         years the coffee industry has started a   for the coffee value chain? Do we need to be   information has inevitably brought about   to know how the people behind these   nizations, traders, roasters, NGOs, pub-  works for them,” says Criscione. “You
         conversation about transparency. This   transparent about being transparent?  a change in consumer behavior. We are   projects defined transparency and what   lic institutions, tech providers, academ-  have to have a very local context and
         stems from a wider business trend of in-  To try and answer such questions,   now more likely to research a product   actions they were taking to achieve it.  ics,  baristas  and  individual  coffee   even then it takes time and effort because
         creasing transparency in all industries.   each of us needs to consider our place in   before we buy it, and we are also more   It’s important to understand that   professionals,  Digital  Coffee  Future   coffee organizations and co-ops differ in
         Times are changing and modern day   the coffee value chain. Are you a roaster?   likely to take our business to companies   applying  the  use  of  digital  tools  to   hopes to build a strong and inclusive   sizes and have different needs. We are
         consumers demand to know more about   A cafe owner? A barista? A consumer?   that share our values.           achieve transparency in the coffee in-  digital coffee network. They do this by   using a bottom up approach via our ed-
         the products they’re buying and the com-  Each perspective might offer a different   When it comes to the coffee indus-  dustry is a very broad topic. There are   organizing community events, educa-  ucation program to address these needs.”
         panies they’re supporting.     answer and that is logical. What’s import-  try, we can already see how digitalisation   many players across the value chain and   tional opportunities and by working to   Digital Coffee Future is currently
             That in itself is pushing many indus-  ant is that, whichever part of the coffee   has changed the way business is done.   they all have different needs and chal-  make sure everyone’s voice and experi-  working on two educational trainings.
         tries to add transparency practices in their   value chain you find yourself at, you can   For example, more and more roasters are   lenges. Most of the projects I discovered   ence is represented.  The first one will pilot in Central Amer-
         value propositions. However, there is a line   understand when you are provided with   adopting fully digital solutions for their   are focusing on one particular aspect of   I had  a  conversation  with Elisa   ica to train small exporters and cooper-
         between offering transparency and leverag-  the right information and how this infor-  green coffee buying. This allows them to   the coffee value chain and many times   Criscione, Founder and CEO of Digital   atives how to understand digitalisation
         ing the term as a marketing strategy.   mation might be useful to you.  have greater transparency into the ori-  it was not clear how these initiatives   Coffee Future, about the role of digital   and how to approach the digitalisation
             A few years back when I was study-                        gins of the coffee they’re buying, as well      would be benefiting other parts of the   tools in offering transparency through-  process. The second training is targeting
         ing business, I remember reading about   Let’s Get Digital    as traceability throughout the supply           chain or if they were taking a holistic   out the coffee supply chain.  other market actors such as roasters, to
         the marketing mix and the 4 P’s: product,                     chain. As a result, roasters are able to        approach.                          “We  need  to  ask  ourselves,  are   help them understand digitalisation from
         price, place and promotion. Imagine it like   Donny Miller said, “In the age of   offer their customers coffees with stories   There is, however, a community   these tools actually offering transparen-  their perspective. Digital Coffee Future
         a bag of things you need to make a brand   information, ignorance is a choice.”  As we   that can be told and traced all the way   of coffee professionals eager to exchange   cy? Or are they just perpetuating the   is definitely a great example of a project
         successful. In today’s business world, I   continue to move forward in the digital   back to the farm level.  ideas, knowledge and tools on coffee   same old power dynamics? How can   that is taking a holistic and inclusive
         would argue that there are some other   age, this statement holds more truth than   Cafe owners are also starting to use   digitalisation. This inclusive and dynam-  coffee producers use the data generated   approach to coffee digitalization.
         things thrown in there: sustainability,   ever before. With easy access to an unprec-  digital  solutions  to  streamline  their
         transparency, accountability etc.  edented amount of information at our   businesses and offer a better experience
             Some companies will use the word   fingertips, it’s easier than ever to be   to their customers. For example, some
         “transparent” to describe their business   well-informed about the products we buy   cafes are using apps that allow customers
         practices or product when in reality,   and the companies we support.  to order and pay for their coffee before
         they’re not being completely truthful. This   If you think about it, the fact that   they even arrive at the cafe. These days
         is where things can get complicated. The   we have access to so much information   baristas  can  use  high-tech  brewing
         main issue here is that we all might have   in the first place stems from the contin-  equipment that allows them to dial in the
         different understanding of what transpar-  uous innovation and development in   perfect espresso with just a few clicks.
         ency means and this confusion benefits   technology. The internet has allowed for   And thanks to social media, it’s easier
         marketing departments more than any   a global connectivity and flow of infor-  than ever for cafes to connect with their
         other interested parties. Perhaps we are   mation like never before, and this is only   customers  and  build  a  community
         not asking the right questions. When it   set to continue with the advent of 5G.   around their brand.
         comes to the coffee industry, here are some   The increased speeds and capacities of   At the farm level, digitalisation is
         questions  that  may  provide  food  for   5G will enable even more complex ap-  also starting to make its way in. Farmers
         thought:                       plications and higher volumes of data to   are starting to use apps and software to
             Is having access to information   be transmitted, furthering the possibili-  manage their plantations, track their
         enough to make an informed decision?   ties for digital transformation in all in-  production, and even sell their coffee
         Shouldn’t we work towards actually under-  dustries.          directly  to  roasters  or  importers.  In

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