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parties involved to understand what is
happening, why it is happening, and the
something. But in modern day business, it result of the actions taken. In other words,
usually means providing accurate and clear it provides a level of accountability.
information to relevant parties about your In the modern day coffee industry,
A few months ago, I was product or service and the way you con- the term “transparency” is thrown around
a lot. But what does it actually mean?
reading an article about
duct your business.
However, just like Muriel said, one
Muriel Cooper, one of the
most influential print and must first understand the information in Transparency, simply put, is the act of
making information accessible to all inter-
computer graphics designers of the 20th order to make it useful. The trouble is, we ested parties. In the context of the coffee
century, when I stumbled upon one of often don’t have all the information we need industry, this typically refers to the prices
her quotes: “Information is only useful in the first place, let alone use it properly. that coffee importers, coffee roasters and
when it can be understood”. This is a In recent years, I have witnessed cafes charge for their product.
phrase that has been stuck in my head efforts in the coffee industry to change this Some argue that true transparency
ever since, because it is so relevant in narrative, particularly with the help of also includes sharing information about
today’s day and age. digital tools and assets. That’s why I the origins of the coffee beans, how and
We are constantly bombarded with reached out to a few experts in the field to when they were roasted, and information
information, but how much of it can we discuss how digitalisation can help create on how they were processed. Others be-
actually understand? In the business world, a more level playing field in the coffee lieve that transparency should go even
information asymmetry–when one party industry and bring about tangible results further, to include things like business
to a transaction has greater access to rele- when it comes to transparency practices. practices and ethical sourcing.
vant information than another–can be So what does transparency mean for
exploited in many ways. Be Transparent About being the coffee industry? Is it about what farm-
So, when it came to writing this is- Transparent ers are getting paid for their coffee? Is it
sue’s cover story, I knew that I wanted to about how the coffee is sourced? What
address a topic I believe is particularly In the business world, being trans- about fair wages for baristas? Navigating
relevant in today’s coffee industry: trans- parent has become an important factor in the coffee value chain while trying to an-
parency. If we are being literal, being developing relationships of trust with swer such questions can be daunting, and
transparent is the ability to see through customers and employees. It allows all the answers are often murky.
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