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to consume animal protein.” Therefore, she is optimis-
tic about the future of plant-based foods, which echoes
the view that “veganism does more harm than good”,
a more popular concept on the internet in Europe and
America. Many people are trying to draw plant-based
diet back to their original definition: substitutes. They
want to embrace plant-based products in a friendly
manner, taking it as an option for everyday consump-
tion instead of an extreme vegan lifestyle.
Under this context, we can also make another
point: despite the fact that about 22.4 percent of the
Chinese population is lactose intolerant and 25 percent
is suspected to be so, nothing stops the consumption
of meat, eggs and milk in the country. In 2014, the
General Office of the State Council issued the Food
and Nutrition Development Programme (2014-2020),
suggesting the consumption of cereals and fats for
energy, while protein, vitamins and minerals for nu-
tritional intake, in a bid to make up scientific dietary
habits, as a way to eliminate malnutrition and control
the growth of nutritional diseases.
In response to these dietary environment and
health demands, plant-based milk drinks have become
an additional supplement and signify the awakening of
Chinese demand for protein intake. According to the
Go back to the outset 2020 Plant Protein Beverage Innovation Trends re-
leased by Tmall New Product Innovation Centre, the
Just like the coffee mates mentioned earlier, the sales of plant protein beverages grew by 965 percent
current plant-based milk has no difference from the in that year, with a growth rate of 1,810 percent and a
plant-based powder of the past, stuck in its identity nine-fold increase in purchasers, far exceeding other
and tied to coffee voluntarily or compulsorily. How- beverage categories. Powerfully Quiet
ever, the plant-based drinks haven’t been dumped by Though many “environment-friendly ” plant-
Chinese consumers, as the emerging oat milk brands based milk brands are still attacking milk products
are chasing their traditional counterparts like coconut for being unsustainable, and tout themselves as an
With our easy-to-remove sound enclosure, optimized
milk, soy milk and almond drinks, booming in the international fashionable lifestyle to mislead young
programs, and powerful motor, you’ll understand why
retail industry. consumers, it is no easy task to change consumers’
Wendy van Buren, global business head of the diet habit that started in their childhood. Therefore, The Quiet One® is trusted by large chains and small
protein substitutes category at Archer Daniels Midland the marketing-based boom will falter gradually. When shops around the world.
(ADM), the world’s largest agricultural production, capital floods to one category segment, the blue ocean
processing and manufacturing company, has said that can be turned red. The crowded drinking scenario and Learn more at
“many consumers are taking a resilient vegetarian homogenized flavors will push some new plant-based
approach and trying to get protein and nutrients from milk brands to old-school shelves to sit alongside
plant-based foods and beverages, rather than refusing coconut milk and Lulu.
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