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           The ice cream                                  ice cream to summer, but also unlock product values

                                                          beyond  relief  from  the  heat,  including  self-healing,
           market should                                  emotional relief and pleasure. As a type of snack, ice
           not only break                                 cream’s permissible indulgence gets more attention in
                                                          the rising demand in pursuit of the good. This grants
           the habit of                                   ice cream a richer connotation, making it a carrier of

           restricting ice                                self  expression,  social  bond  and  self  identity.  The
                                                          youth’s pursuit of nostalgic emotions drives the prev-
           cream to summer,                               alence of Chinese fad culture, creating an intersection
                                                          for Chinese fad and ice cream.
           but also unlock
           product values                                 Tick off Chinese fad ice cream in crowd-
                                                          ed tourism sites or less-crowded muse-
           beyond relief                                  ums

           from the                                          Since 2017 when cherry blossom ice cream from

           heat.                                          Yuyuantan  Park  went  viral  on  WeChat  Moments  and
                                                          other  social  platforms,  many  landmark  tourism  sites
                                                          replicated  this  idea,  such  as  the  Forbidden  City  in
                                                          Beijing, the Oriental Pearl in Shanghai, the Ten Views
                                                          of the West Lake in Hangzhou, the traditional Garden
                                                          in Suzhou, the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an, and the
                                                          Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan. Becoming so popular,
                                                          they were placed under a more public spotlight. The
                                                          exquisite dragon and phoenix patterns were put on a
                                                          tiny piece of ice cream, looking remarkably pleasant.
 Ice  cream  in  Chinese  fad:  blazing  in  icy   in the higher-end market dominated by foreign brands,   This brought what as a blurry historical memory close
 waves  starting a new heyday of Chinese Internet-famous ice   to  reality,  becoming  a  flavor  with  cold  temperature
 cream.                                                   and nice aroma. Ticking off these novelty ice creams
 When  it  comes  to  Chinese  fad  ice  cream,  two   2019 was the epoch-making year for Chinese ice   has even become a must do travel experience.
 brands must be mentioned: Chicecream and Zhongjie   cream. NOC, Modern and other brands launched trendy   After  the  famous  tourism  sites  had  enjoyed  the
 1946. Founded in 2018, Chicecream creatively inserts   products one after another, all positioned with Chinese   Chinese fad dividend, some less mainstream museums
 traditional  aesthetics  in  its  trademark  products  fea-  fad, classic Chinese aesthetics and innovative flavors.   also  had  a  try.  They  continued  the  success  with  ice
 turing  curved  tile  shapes  and  fret  patterns.  It  also   The  Renaissance  of  these  time-honored  brands  sent   cream shaped as Sanxingdui objects and eagle-shaped
 avoids courageous steps in ice cream flavors, sticking   Chinese ice cream to the red sea market dominated by   tripod  cauldron.  It  is  not  new  for  museums  to  make
 with  light  milk  and  velvet  chocolate  as  mainstays,   western-style ice cream, where the Chinese style be-  cultural products, represented by the Forbidden City
 pleasant to the youth with sweet but not greasy tooth.   came a class of its own.  which launched themed lipsticks, decorative tapes, the
 Therefore, it stands out among its peers with complex   The  blazing  Chinese  ice  cream  also  melts  some   “I  see”  series  products  and  others.  Culture-based
 flavors.  customer habits. With its strong heat-relieving func-  products  are  dear  to  museums.  However,  while  the
 Zhongjie  1946  is  even  older.  The  70-year-old   tion,  ice  cream  has  always  been  taken  as  a  summer   tiny,  exquisite  products  get  good  comments,  they
 brand Zhongjie Icy Dessert has embraced its brand-new   snack, leading to a limited customer season. As Wang   struggle  to  attract  customers  in  a  wider  market.  Ice
 form of Zhongjie 1946, entering the upgraded ice cream   Yongqing, the operation expert in Taiwan, said, “You   cream, on the other hand, helps museums start a new
 market on a wave of nostalgic emotions of youth. With   shall start selling ice cream in winter.” The ice cream   conversation  with  disinterested  youth,  and  gives  ice
 its product price above 20 yuan, it sets a Chinese flag   market should not only break the habit of restricting   cream customers a new scene to try the dessert.

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