Page 129 - CTI84_EN
P. 129


 Without the upgrade of a healthy

 mainstream market, the ever-competitive

 and seemingly-thriving market will end

 up with broken bubbles.

 Small  stores  stay  away  from   lagged  behind  those  in  the  first-tier  cities.
 competitive higher-end market  They struggle to feed more ice cream to cus-
 tomers, and there is no customer foundation
 As of now, the market scale has surpassed   to  support  increased  prices.  This  creates  the
 one hundred billion yuan every year. Chinese fad   gap between Little Puddings and Chicecream and
 ice cream has earned success through trendy product   its peers. Though this part of the market is not dominat-
 iteration and consumption scene expansion. Fully fledged   ed by western-style ice cream, the higher-end Chinese fad
 cold logistics and diversified customization channels have   ice cream normally priced over 15 yuan has less potential
 added more product options and consumption scenes for   to be the leader. Similar to many foreign foods, the scale
 Chinese ice cream customers.    of ice cream consumption in China is lower than the in-
 Looking  at  the  Chinese  brands,  we  can  find  that  a   ternational  average.  The  same  trend  can  be  seen  with
 high-end  brand  position,  rare  flavors  and  eye-catching   other foreign treats such as chocolate. This sweet memory
 product  shapes  are  their  strategies  for  innovation.  The   of our childhood, started its boom in 1990s and still enjoys
 once-popular concrete gray coconut, salty yolk and liqueur   rapid  growth.  However,  the  consumption  per  capita  in
 flavors, as well as the various shapes from simple cherry   China is less than a quarter of the international average.
 blossom to complicated Yellow Crane Tower, indicate the   When customers pay more attention to health, mainstream
 price  trends  in  this  crowded  market.  The  price  is  also   chocolate products fail to penetrate to the upgraded envi-
 pushed higher. The basic products of Zhongjie 1947, NOC   ronment, and the higher-end chocolate and healthier dark
 and  Chicecream  are  around  15  rmb.  Chicecream  once   chocolate have not yet been acknowledged by the main-
 launched an Ecuador ruby coco ice cream, with a ceiling   stream market. Since 2020, when most of the fast-consum-
 price of 66 rmb each, an ice cream version of Hermes. The   ing snacks were thriving in the pandemic, the chocolate
 higher  market  is  in  competition,  but  the  small  stores  in   market in China shrank by 2 billion yuan.
 your hometown still sell cheap products less than 5 yuan   The  outlook  is  certainly  more  optimistic  for  ice
 from Mengniy and Yili, and some even cheaper ones from   cream. The unique Chinese styles are still fancied by cus-
 local  brands.  Couldn’t  the  higher-end  market  triggering   tomers, and Chinese fad stories are better told with inno-
 the cheap brands’s sense of crisis in our hometowns. We   vated popular products and upgraded consumption scene.
 normally use its caps and collars to examine growth space   However, to progress a market worth ten billion yuan, the
 for a market. In recent years, the higher-end brands have   pursuit merely of high price and unique experiments will
 used Chinese fad to introduce frequent flavor innovation,   encounter more restrictions and challenges.
 special co-brand efforts and diversified supply channels.   Without the upgrade of a healthy mainstream market,
 Generally, the complex strategies lead to a higher price to   the ever-competitive and seemingly-thriving market will
 test  the  price  cap  for  this  category.  In  the  massive  low-  end up with broken bubbles. In this way, the blazing Chi-
 er-tier  cities,  the  consumption  scene  and  supply  chain   nese fad may melt ice cream, making it drop tears.

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