Page 44 - CTI82_EN
P. 44


           References:                                                                                                            we might play some modern tunes or Latino   ing, the knocking of the handle (porta filter),
                                                                                                                                  music to keep the younger crowd entertained   I think this sensory experience is the core
                                                                                                                                  and moving.”                           nature of a coffee shop.”
           gy-and-the-coffee-shop                                                                                                     Talking about the most beautiful “sound   “I am always amazed by the sound when
           2.                                                                            or voice” in the cafe, the owner of S.F.F Coffee,   coffee beans are pouring into the grinder hop-
           english/designing-for-the-forgot-                                                                                      Yang Qian, said: “Apart from background mu-  per.” “The fizz of milk frothing brings me the
                                                                                                                                  sic, there are quite a few other sounds that I   wonderful aroma”; “The gentle clinks of cups
                                                                                                                                  like. If I have to choose one, it goes to the sound   and the pings of ready servings give me more
                                                                                                                                  of the grinder! Because every day after I grind   expectation of the coming drinks.” “All the
                                                                                                                                  the coffee I can always see the customers as-  voices of coffee introduction gives me a ful-
                                                                                                                                  tonished when they step into the cafe: ‘Wow,   fillment of knowledge”, “The baristas’ giggles
                                                                                                                                  smells so good!’”                      in their busy working, happy work makes the
                                                                                                                                      Sharing the mutual affinity, just like Yang   coffee better.” “The white noise in the cafe,
                                                                                                                                  Qian, a coffee enthusiast expresses in the   the gentle background music, and the sound
                                                                                                                                  survey: “I like the coffee-making sounds from   of the daily routines in the bar often put me
                                                                                                                                  the espresso machines, and I enjoy the grind-  into a one or two minutes of meditation state,

               “I  hope  that  the  music  in  the  cafe  is   Obviously, Arnon Thitiprasert, the World
           well-designed. Soft and tonal music is import-  Latte Art Champion 2017, also has his own
           ant  for customers  to  linger  longer.”,  “Light   method to choose the music played in his cof-
           music, people talking softly, then I would feel   fee shop: ”I personally pick all the sounds of
           very much relaxed.” “I like light music, blues,   my playlist music for my cafe, because it is
           countr y music, soft voices, rela xed and   helping me to work behind the espresso bar
           smoothing…” Sound has its own way to make   flawlessly and to create the vibe so that no
           people feel various emotions.  In a survey on   other cafes could be the same. There is so much
           Voices and Sounds, the vast majority of the   variety  from Hip hop, rock,  Alternative,
           poll’s  participants  show their preference for   Nu-metal, emo, chill house, trance, deep house,
           background music in cafes.             and much more, because they are music I like
               No doubt, together with other interior de-  in different ages and I have been collecting
           signs, smart cafe business owners have begun to   them one  by one  since high school until now,
           leverage music or sounds to create a unique ex-  so I really love to hear what I love in my cafe.”
           perience for their customers, as well as to show   Great minds think alike. Martin, who is
           their own stylishness. “Our coffee shop is spa-  well-versed in coffee and cocktails hybrid
           cious and well-lit and you can see the busy traf-  management, uses music to create different
           fic outside the window. So I choose relaxing   moods at different times of the day:
           electronic music, atmospheric blues, and alter-  “We started the day with chill jazz and
           native R&B that can increase the vitality in the   acoustic style of music to set up the mood and
           cafe and embellish the precious fashion vibe for   as soon as we hit the first rush we moved to
           guests in their moments of slowing-down.” When   80/90 funk to bring the vibe up. Around lunch
           talking about the music, Yang Qian, the owner   time we played classic crooners/Rat Pack mu-
           of Chongqing SFF Coffee, shows her confidence   sic followed by faster swing and blues. Some-
           in the selection of background music.  times in the late evening when the place is full

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