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          which is really a refueling for the day.” I’ve never re-  “Playing more tinkling high-pitched music… has
          alized before that the sounds and voices in a cafe mean   been shown to bring out the sweet notes in bittersweet
          so much to both the professionals and the customers.   foods such as dark chocolate, cinder toffee, and (slight-
          So now it’s easy for us to understand why people des-  ly sweetened) black coffee.By contrast, the playing of
          perately love coffees and cafes. We won’t, and we   low-pitched brassy music makes the bitter notes sud-
          shouldn’t hog-tie ourselves only to the natural flavors   denly become a lot more pronounced. ”
          of coffee anymore; we can do differently on other parts   Pretty interesting, isn’t it? Imagine that one day
          of the tasting spectrum, like the sound. It brings the   in the near future, when you step into a cafe, you will
          customers new pleasant dimensional experiences,   be amazed (or maybe surprised) by the new menu: “Hi,
          which is more crucial to the sustainable development   welcome! Today we have a new list, Combo A which is
          of the supply chain.                         Ethiopian Washed + Mike Oldfield’s Tubular Bells,
              Study shows as early as in the 1990s, Professor   Combo B is Guatemala Natural + Deep House skewers,
          of  Experimental  Psychology  at  Oxford  University   Combo  C  is  DIY,  and  you  may  select  your  favorite
          Charles Spence began to study the influence of mul-  coffee and music all by yourself!
          tiple senses on diet. He said: “Sound is a forgotten   And once again, coffee is no good? Before blaming
          sense of taste.”                             the barista, this time probably you may check the
              Do these sounds, which mostly pass unnoticed, re-  background music or noises around first.
          ally make a difference to how the coffee tastes? The find-  Taking cafes as their “Second Home”, psycholog-
          ings reveal something interesting as well as astonishing:  ically speaking, the consumers have more expectations
              “(The sound) is so loud, in fact, that not only may   of cafes: delicious drinks, enjoyable music, friendly
          it be damaging the hearing of those employees exposed   services, especially a quiet and cozy vibe with respect,
          to such noise levels for long periods of time, but the   so that they may pursue their own needs, talking with
          evidence suggests that it may actually suppress our   friends, working and studying alone or reading, just
          ability to taste sweet and salt, as well as impairing our   like staying at home, and sometimes what they need
          ability to discriminate between different aromas.”  is simply a peaceful corner in the hustle and bustle of
              “Louder and faster music has been shown to in-  the world, running away from all troubles and just
          crease the speed/amount that customers eat and drink   having a little rest.
          in restaurants (sometimes by as much as 27 percent). ”  However, for many times finding an acous-
              “(Playing classic music of quality) shoppers/  tic-friendly cafe becomes a big wish we are making.
          diners spend more on their food and drink purchases.   Unfortunately many cafe-lingerers get used to the
          What is more, they tend to rate whatever they are   noises in the cafe: excessive-volume background mu-
          eating and drinking as being of higher quality too!”  sic, loud chatting, harsh sound from the old machines

                                                                                                                      or from moving chairs screams of the kids, out-loud   Your Voice Makes Future Better
                                                                                                                      media videos from the mobile phone, etc.. “Sometimes
                                                                                                                      it’s really a bummer. If it is too noisy, I will move to   There is no doubt that cafes have become an
                                                                                                                      a small cafe,” said one of the coffee lovers.  indispensable element in our daily lives. Compared
                                                                                                                          Given all this, clearly the sound becomes the dou-  to the past, currently consumers who are more willing
                                                                                                                      ble-edged sword to consumer experience, and has exerted   to take the initiative to communicate, and in the In-
                                                                                                                      a monumental effect on the coffee industry. For the sus-  ternet age they have also been empowered to express
                                                                                                                      tainable development, and to further enhance the con-  their opinions in different channels. The profession-
                                                                                                                      sumer experience, expertise and talents across the indus-  als are more attentive to listen and share than ever
                                                                                                                      tries are working hard together: technically control the   before. The dialogues in the cafe have built a solid and
                                                                                                                      noise level, set new taste expectations, modify flavor   broad bridge between consumers and the industry. In
                                                                                                                      perception,  providing  more  sensory  marketing,  supply   the booming age of specialty coffee, Baristas have
                                                                                                                      sound-absorbing product applications, etc., with all the   more chances stepping out of the cafe, Coffee Fests,
                                                                                                                      efforts and technology, sounds will be part of our journey   Commercial exhibitions, and coffee competitions of
                                                                                                                      towards flavor, environment and utmost importantly, the   the supply chain and communities, all give coffee
                                                                                                                      hospitality of the coffee industry.           lovers  more opportunities to “speak”: share their

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