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                                                        coffee. Yes, I think I’ll talk about other topics rather than
                                                        coffee (though it is great) because personally I would like
                                                        to learn more about other things and by talking with you I
                                                        can always learn something.”
                                                            Truly, communication can help each of the baristas
                                                        progressing fast, as well as providing guidance to the cus-                                              NO KEG
                                                        tomers. Be proactive, and keep sharing your opinion, each
                                                        of your little steps contributes to a better coffee industry.
                                                            Thanks to technology, we are able to realize the great
                                                        impact of the sound, either positive or negative, in cafes and                                           COLD BREW
                                                        in our lives. Before another leap of the industry, maybe it is
                                                        the right time for the cafe owners to seriously consider the
                                                        sound issue, and see how to make a small sound change to
                                                        strengthen competitiveness and ensure a better consumer
                                                        experience. While for a consumer who loves coffee and
                                                        enjoys the cafe vibe, when you sit in a cafe again, remember
                                                        do your best to make our Second Home better and enjoy the                                                No Kegs to Store.
                                                        wonderful  new acoustic experience.
          dreams and inspire each other, express their opinions,   I have heard such a slogan Voices that Change the World.                                      No Kegs to Clean.
          show their concerns, communicate challenges they are   Believe it or not, each of us has the ability to do something to
          facing and find the solutions. There comes the age: Your   change the world with our voice. Jianing Du, the championship                               No Kegs to Manage.
          voice matters.                                of the World Brewers Cup 2019, presented 10 minutes fully
              Knowledge-wise, the local consumers in China have   with confidence, giving the world a chance to hear the voice
          a lot to learn, while being baristas or any one the works in   from China; Jeff Hann filmed and launched separately two
          the promising industry, we may take it as a positive oppor-  documentaries “Coffee Master” (2016 Coffee Man) and “Cof-
          tunity to sharpen the knowledges and technique we’ve just   fee Heroes” (2020 Coffee Heroes), he used the cameras to
          learned in the past five to eight years by sharing them with   record the voices of the champions, showing the way they
          our peers and customers alike. Taking a lead in our commu-  change themselves, as well as the way they are transforming
          nity like brand champions will narrow the gap between the   our coffee world. Today I am eternally grateful to present some
          two sides of the counter.                     of voices from around the world.
              The world champion, and the key manager of several   By the end of this article, I would like to extend my
          bars at the same time, Martin, who won the honor of the top   appreciation to all the interviewees. They are Yang Qian
          100 most influential bars in the world in 2020, keeps hum-  from Chongqing SSF Coffee, the World Latte Art Champion
          ble and works hard. “If I pay a visit to a coffee shop, I usu-  (2017) Arnon from Thailand, Rolf CHEW, my business
          ally talk about business or working depending on the person   partner from Malaysia, and Martin Hudák from Australia,
          I am with. If the baristas are not busy, I am trying to have   the World Coffee in Good Spirit Champion 2017, and I won’t
          a conversation about coffee they offer and give suggestions.   forget all the friends who seriously responded to the ques-
          Generally speaking, unfortunately coffee shops are not bars,   tionnaire, thank you for passing your voice in such a special
          where you have friendlier and more hospitable staff like in   way. It is a great honor for me to convey your passion and
          cocktail bars.”                               inspiration to the world through CTI Magazine.                                                           Now available with optional Nitron Gas Module
              Another young Champion and the talented coffee   The highest appreciation is not to utter words but to live                                        Compatible with all Nitron Cold Draft dispensers, the Gas
          entrepreneur, Arnon expresses his wish to communicate   them. While I am expecting to travel around and visit coffee                                   Module accessory is an alternative external gas source that can
          with more people. “To be honest, I might not be the good   shops in the world soon after Covid-19, with the strong support                             be used in place of high-pressure tanks or nitrogen generators.
          example for this question because most of the time people   from all the above voices, once again I will firmly hold my
          always recognize me everywhere I go around the world and   belief, and will definitely encourage all of you to hold it too:                            LEARN MORE:
          start talking to me and most likely asked me to show them   Every day when we walk into a cafe, sipping a cup of luscious
          Latte Art, which I am more than happy to talk and show   coffee and enjoy, take a moment to listen to the sound around,
          them. So when I find in the cafe that baristas don’t know   be kind to all the voices. To make the coffee world better, I
          me, I kind of enjoy myself, if I talk I might not talk about   would like to hear more from you. Your voice matters!


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