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"In the coffee shop, I hope to see
people from all walks of life
talking and enjoying themselves
in different languages."
The “encountering” of people makes cafes the rally, or discussing their own entrepreneurial dreams.
most important social hub. Consumers “see” and “be This is exactly what was scribed in an ancient Chinese
seen” in the cafe, “hear” and “be heard” as well, there- poem: Whispers the wind, Pitter-patters the rain,
in the “important aspect of human nature” , say the Tittle-tattles the chatter, Cheerful to ear and heart.
existence, recognition and respect of each individu- With the spread of the “Third Wave”, or special-
al is fully satisfied. The various sounds and voices ty coffee, coffee talk has also become a part of the
raised in a cafe construct a harmonious and vibrant interaction in a cafe. “Where do the coffee beans come
shared space, and also foster the tolerance of a mul- from? How do they roast? Which is the best brewing
ticultural community. method for this coffee? , Buying a cup of coffee, with
Back in the 1670s, coffee shops became popular great curiosity and endless questions, as a specialty
in Europe, and people have been lingering around in coffee entrance-level learner, I may always get a free
them ever since. In the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai, coffee lesson here,” my friend Stella told me. She is
in the past one hundred years, coffee shops have also right, when the boss or baristas in the independent
been playing multiple and complex roles. We have no coffee shops are not busy, consumers, especially
idea what people were talking about in cafes in the coffee lovers, will take the chance to chat with them
old time, but nowadays, the rich and diverse sounds about coffee and even daily life, and the interactive
integrated in a cafe, bring us the new attributes of communication will bring the customer a better ex- Once I was fortunate enough to be with Martin
socializing and relaxation. perience, establish a trustworthy relationship be- in one of the Asia’s best bars in Shanghai. The light
“Coffee is a foreign drink as well as a kind of tween the cafe and its customers, which eventually was dim and flickering, and the music was too loud
exotic culture to local people, while it tends to become lead to positive branding in the Internet era. to hear each other, the crowds were thronging in the
the bread-and-butter for us in recent years. Either for Samantha, a freelancer, often writes in cafes narrow space. Smiling and enjoying himself, Martin
busy working days or for weekend and holiday, a near her home. “It was a rainy day; the rain was pour- focused on making drinks behind the bar. Right be-
coffee shop is one of the best places to go.” Yes, its ing down, while the melodic piano playing and the fore Martin, his fans were seated at the counter,
true. S.F.F Coffee, a coffee shop located in Chongqing, fragrance of coffee made my day, it was so impressive talking excitedly and all were captivated by the
China, Ms. Yang Qian, the co-founder, told me that that I will never forget.” blending, as well as the virtuosity of the Champion.
coffee shops have become the “second home”for more In contrast to Samantha, who enjoys the tran- We are living in a VUCA age (Volatility, Uncer-
and more people. According to the research of envi- quility, Martin Hudák, the World Coffee in Good tainty, Complexity and Ambiguity), it is lucky but
ronmental psychology experts, coffee shops not only Spirit Champion 2017, likes the crowd of revelers: hard to find and enjoy a piece of peace and serenity
provide social opportunities, but also a sense of “The thing I like most is definitely a live Jazz or like Samantha, and neither, is it easy anchoring one’s
anonymous security as well. Blues band playing in the background and a room focus with ease of mind in the crowds like Martin. In
Therefore, many people think that it is amazing full of guests who are laughing, talking, singing and the cafes, what I’ve heard is more like busy sounds
to talk with friends in a cafe, chatting about daily having fun. Also the sound of the bar tools such as and voices striving for life: a foreigner gave verbal
trivial things to establish emotional connections, shakers and coffee machine and grinders. All like lessons to his student; four young ladies kept trying
sharing insights and perceptions of life and hot topics, one big symphony and me on top of that orchestra make-ups at the table, sharing their experiences with
negotiating or digging business opportunities natu- regulating the flow.” each other (seems they were having a training ses-
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