Page 37 - CTI82_EN
P. 37


 How to obtain a license   In Australia, before you open a busi-
 or permission  ness t here a re nu merou s per m its a nd
 permissions you need to obtain: music
 You can get permission to use copy-  license is one of them. If you risked play-
 right protected music from the owners   ing without a license, fines may apply due
 directly, and then pay them directly but   to copyright laws.
 presumably you don’t have musical icons   The cost of the license varies, and are
 like Rhianna or Jay-Z’s number on speed   tailored for each business.
 dial. Therefore, you will need to get a   There is a team of licensing repre-  RELIABLE COFFEE QUALITY,
 music license to play their music by ob-  sentatives that police this:  “We have an
 taining a music license from a music rights   education process for when we partner   BLENDING ROBUSTNESS AND EASY SERVICE.
 organisation such as AAPRA is the widely   with cafes and national bodies. For in-
 used method.  stance we go to Australian hotels and
 educate the business on Australian busi-
 ness licensing and how to start new busi-
 ness,” says Giuliano.         WMF 1300 S It delivers a quality coffee experience in a robust and reliable
 So, cafe and restaurant owners won’t   way. Offering a rich menu of professional coffee and chocolate specialities,
 be left alone to manage their needs.  the WMF 1300 S boasts a range of new features to ensure outstanding
 Next time you head to your favourite   dependability and serviceability.
 cafe, take a listen to the sounds. Likely,
 the business owner has made a decision
 on what music you are hearing. Whilst you
 bop your head along to whatever beat you
 hear, that artist will be fairly paid.   DESIGNED TO PERFORM



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