Page 93 - CTI75_EN
P. 93
Although the milk tea bottle is not as light-
weight as bottles from other brands, even a bit
heavy to carry, it is pretty eye-catching just like
the yogurt cup from HEYTEA. Two years since
it opened, Triple P milk tea is still maintaining
an average price of 35 yuan and still making its
products by mixing fruit pulp, chocolate, matcha
or other ordinary gradients with milk. But this
independent brand has opened three stores in
Beijing and Shanghai, even stationed in shopping The packaging
malls, sitting in the best possible positions with of milk tea
excellent views.
In addition, there are food-grade plastic has become an
bags with Thai milk tea and hand-shaken tea
landing in the new tea drink market, trying to get evolutionary
a slice of the cake. When the brands with glass
bottle packaging advertise that their glass bottles history, constantly
can be reused as vases, the brands with plastic
bags probably promote theirs by highlighting the changing and
portable features of their products. The only one
marketing strategy shared by different brands developing.
has to be the emphasis on the aesthetics of the
milk tea packaging, which agrees with the mere
fact that consumers are more likely to take aes-
thetics as an important consideration.
Aesthetic Demands behind the Evo- mer, poured colorful drinks into bottles and even-
lution of Containers tually became a trending series that consumers
can’t help posting about on social media. BE INSPIRED.
Whether it is for a chain brand or for an in- In a word, stunning products can be surpris-
dependent brand, it has become a fact that the new es, however, too many similar stunning products BREW DIFFERENT.
tea industry has been overwhelmed by the product are more likely to generate aesthetic weariness and
packaging. Also to a certain extent, the packaging to backfire. For example, replacing the fruit pulp the new espresso machine
can be considered as equally important as the in fruit tea with pigments to make it more colorful, helping coffee professionals to offer
quality of the tea. or making a marbling pattern by diluting the milk a better coffee experience.
The container and the sealing of product, toppings, have created not only social media posts
designed originally as a protection, have been with the instantly disappeared stunning effects,
constantly redesigned and adapted, which resem- and also an easy way for the brands to make profits.
bles the frantically growing social and esteem Therefore many food vloggers can make a living
needs over basic needs. The pure love for beauty within the industry.
wouldn’t go so far as ‘lookism’, but considering When visual stimulation plays an important
the appearance of milk tea bottles as the only part, people invent new competing games on social
criteria in buying decisions would be taken as media from the ordinary gradients we get used to
falling into ‘lookism’. everyday. And the aesthetic competitions have been
One of the reasons why The Alley became so fueled and escalated. The convenience has to com-
popular among young people is owing to its gradi- promise to fancy taste. The taste of the product has @ranciliospecialty
ent smoothie from its Aurora Series, which started to compromise to the visual stimulus. As a result,
from My Bottle in 2014, caught on the Asian or additional values attached to the milk tea have been
even global trend of aesthetic PET bottles in sum- numerous.