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                        “We already have a partner who is in the coffee   Target Customer
                    business before we actually open velayenn. But still, we      Tom’s shop targets middle to upper markets.
                    consulted a friend, the owner of Ink&Lion, about the shop   However, the coffee is not expensive and regular office
                    concept, and he suggested that we should go full-speed   employees can easily afford a cup. “We don’t want to set
                    ahead on the combined bike and coffee shop. We have a   the price too high and sell just a few cups. That would be
                    separate management team for the shop, one for the bike   bad,” Tom said, and added that, “this branch is our concept
                    shop and one for the café. However, the 2 businesses can   store, so it might not be as perfect as we pictured. It’s a
                    blend together well. For example, bike shop customers   good opportunity to learn. When we are good enough to
                    can sit down for a cup of coffee while exchanging their   look for a good coffee bean and origin, there would be
                    experiences. Both businesses support one another well, so   more action in our plan. I’m planning to build a beauty
                    we don’t have to push the sale of either one. The rent in   institute with a great café in the same building by 2016.”
                    Tonglor is very expensive, and combining the businesses      Also located in Tonglor, velayenn welcomes a mix
                    helps both businesses to do well,” Jung said.  of customers, including foreigners and cyclists. “Cyclists
                        For Toy Café & Relax, the shop highlights its mas-  usually plan their trip in advance – where they want to go
                    sage service and the quality organic coffee. Tuk learnt   and what they want to do. Our shop serves coffee and a
                    the coffee side of the business, from brewing, to man-  relaxing space alongside bicycle, so you can sit down and
                    agement, from her brother who is already in the coffee   chat about bicycle with friends while enjoying coffee,”
                    industry. “Having 2 businesses is a plus because café   Jung explained about velayenn’s customers. The shop
                    customers can become a massage customer and vice   also added healthy smoothies to the menu, and will be
                    versa. However, some customers don’t like the concept   introducing breakfast that focuses on healthy living in the
                    because, for them, a massage shop should feel like a   near future. “It’s hard to find a good breakfast. We want
                    massage shop the moment they walk in. They might feel   to give a healthy option for those who go for a bike ride in
                    a bit unfamiliar to find a café on the ground floor, and   the morning or anyone looking for a healthy meal. That’s
                    have to get upstairs to get a massage. Nonetheless, some   why we also added a cozy garden area.”
                    customers do like our style.”                       “Our customers are middle to upper markets because
                                                                   we serve organic coffee. They are mostly coffee enthusi-
                                                                   astic adults. We open from 11 AM to midnight because
                                                                   people usually get off their job around 5-6 PM. By the
                                                                   time they can get through the traffic, most massage shops
                                                                   would already be closed, and the shops would be crowded
                                                                   in the weekend. That’s why we open until late at night. As
                                                                   for the café, we have food menu as well, and we are adding
                                                                   more menu choices in the future,” Tuk said.

                                                                                       Siriluck Mahachantanaporn :

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