Page 57 - #45 English
P. 57

Today there are more cafes than you can   can also come just for the coffee without
         visit in a year and it doesn’t seem to slow   having to do your hair. I think it’s a good
         down. More and more people dream of   new concept, and 80% of my customers are
         owning a café, and it tempts other busi-  coffee lovers,” Tom said.
         nesses to look into the coffee business      Another hybrid cafés we interviewed
         because the food and beverage business   were velayenn and Toy Café & Relax.
         is growing very rapidly as “everyone must   Velayenn is a bike shop + café where cy-
         eat and drink”.                     clists can stop by for a cup of coffee, food,
             Every business must find its sell-  and bicycle or bike accessories! The shop
         ing point, but wouldn’t it be great if we   provides a space for cyclist community
         can combine the strength of 2 businesses   which they can meet people with similar
         together. Coffee is a business that can be   interest. Toy Café & Relax is a massage spa
         quite easy to blend in with other business-  + café which Tuk took over from the pre-
         es, and that’s why we are now seeing an   vious owner. She was a regular customer
         increasing number of “Hybrid Cafés” that   at the shop and when the previous owner
         combine coffee with salon, bike shop, spa,   wanted to sell the business, she took the   Tanadol Songklao:
         etc. This issue of CTI talks to owners of a   opportunity without hesitation.  Tom Lay Cut
         3 hybrid cafés, Tanadol Songklao (Tom),
         owner of Tom Lay Cut, Siriluck Mahachan-
         tanarporn (Jung), owner of valayenn, and
         Aoratai Sangwilai (Tuk), owner of Toy
         Café & Relax, who share their perspectives
         on the business.
         The Beginning
             Tanadol Songklao, or who the beauty
         industry known as Tom, is a leading hair-
         dresser in Thailand. While most of his
         shops are salons, his latest branch is a new
         concept of coffee + salon. When he found a
         spacious location for his new shop, he came
         up with the idea to integrate coffee into the
         space as he is a coffee lover. “We have a lot
         of space in the shop, and we always wanted
         to have coffee in our salon. It has to be a                            Blending the Businesses
         serious café, not just a coffee corner in a                                 “A café requires quite a lot of invest-
         salon. Customers will be able to relax and                             ment, so you need to be passionate and
         use our Wi-Fi during their hair-do while                               willing to learn. As a hairdresser, I don’t
         their friends can wait at the café and en-                             have any coffee knowledge at all. I rely on
         joy a cup of coffee with some sweets. You                              my passion, learn from scratch, and send
                                                                                the staffs to get professional trainings. We
                                                                                often ask for feedback from customers in
                                                                                order to improve our services. The overall
                                                                                result is quite good and customers like our
                                                                                concept,” Tom began with passion and
                                                                                practice to make perfect. For management,
                                                                                Tom thinks salon and café are similar busi-
                                                                                nesses as they both are service businesses.
                                                                                “This concept shop is my first step. If it
                                                                                goes well, I’ll take the concept to my other
                                                                                branches. We get very positive feedbacks
                                                                                for both salon and café customers, and
                                                                                we’ll evaluate the concept again after in
                                                                                6 months. Now we have promotions like
                                                                                buy one get one free and if you wait for a
                                                                                friend to do his/her hair at the salon, you
                                                                                can get a free cup of coffee while waiting.
                                                                                We are serious about the café business
                                                                                although we are still a baby with lots to
                                                                                learn. I think we wouldn’t make it if we do
                                                                                a stand-alone café, so blending what we do
                                                                                best to the café help attract customers and
                                                                                benefit both businesses.”

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