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                                                                   active after eating the red fruits off some nearby trees.
                                                                   Hence, the first meeting between man and coffee took
                                                                   place and the epic tale of Kaldi and the dancing goats
                                                                   started to spread throughout the world, along with the
                                                                   craving for the beans to brew it.

                    Most historians agree the Coffea Arabica plant was discov-
                    ered growing in the wild in Ethiopia between the 6th & 8th
                    centuries. Production first surged between the 10th & 12th
                                                                    Renovation efforts are taking place in most of the famous
                    to the unique history of Ethiopia being the birthplace of   Ethiopian coffee regions including Sidamo, Yirgacheffe,
                    coffee, and now we can start offer more of this coffee on   Harar, Jimma and Limmu.
                    a much more consistent basis,” Hussein Agraw, President
                    of Ethiopia’s Coffee Exporters Association (ECEA), Addis      Known as “forest coffee” the trees here grow up to
                    Ababa.                                         15 meters tall, have long ultra-narrow leaves and are noth-
                        The ECEA has pegged total exports in the new 2014-  ing like the commercially developed Arabica varieties that
                    15 cycle to reach a record of at least 3.9 million bags, up   produce most of the world’s Arabica coffee today. Cuppers
                    from the close to 3.2 million bags exported in the last   agree that the flavor is among the richest in the world with
                    2013-14 cycle, said Agraw.                     a powerful body, balanced acidity, extraordinary smooth
                        Production figures in Ethiopia remain difficult to   aroma and a plethora of flavor attributes that explode
                    verify as Ethiopians are known to drink up to as much   across the palate and leaves a long-lasting aftertaste.
                    as 60 percent of their own coffee crop at home and a      “In 2008, production in the Kaffa Zone was only
                    detailed household survey of consumption habits has   about 400,000 bags but at the time a political decision was
                    never been carried out. The London-based International   taken to turn this area into a market center and the gov-
                    Coffee Organization reported a total crop of 8.1 million   ernment has been providing training to farmers on how
                    bags in the 2012-13 cycle, but private sources in Ethiopia   to implement new technology in addition to providing
                    generally agree that this figure is too high and was based   seeds and extension services on farming practices,” said
                    on government figures projecting desired coffee earnings   Kassahun Taye, manager at the Kaffa Regional Agriculture
                    rather than actual production.                 Office in the town of Bonga. In the last three years, the
                        Regardless, coffee production is growing, and based   land cultivated with coffee has been expanded and is on
                    on the known figures for new plantings, trees per hectares   target to reach the project goal of 260,346 hectares [of
                    and the actual area under cultivation, industry officials   coffee] by the end of 2015, up 45 percent from the 2012
                    agree that Ethiopia’s coffee crop is set to become even   number of 179,202 hectares, he said.
                    bigger in the next 5 to 10 years. “When we look at what      With vast areas of undeveloped agricultural land still
                    has been planted, both through the renovation of existing   available for farming, Kaffa province is leading the produc-
                    coffee farms and new areas, Ethiopia should increase its   tion boom in Ethiopia. But today, renovation efforts are
                    annual coffee production to between at least 9 or 10 mil-  reported out of most of the equally famous Ethiopian cof-
                    lion bags in the next five years,” said Gebrekidan.  fee regions including Sidamo, Yirgacheffe, Harar, Jimma
                                                                   and Limmu.
                    From Kaffa to Coffee                                At the heart of the Ethiopian coffee scene for years,
                        No more is the Ethiopian coffee boom visible than   Jimma and close-by Limmu have long been known as
                    at the very source of coffee in the Southeastern province   home to some of the flavors considered the most tra-
                    of Kaffa, the province that lent its name to coffee. Here,   ditional among Ethiopian coffees, mostly processed as
                    deep into the dense forests in the province on the border   natural or semi-washed Arabicas which leaves a natural
                    just north of Kenya and with South Sudan to the west,   touch of sweetness from the pulp and mucilage in the final
                    the region is famously home to coffee still growing in the   cup flavor. Located some 350 kilometers south-west of
                    wild, just as it was when according to legend coffee was   Ethiopia’s capital Addis Ababa, the massive Limmu Coffee
                    first discovered more than 1,000 years ago.    Farm is at the center of the renovation efforts that today
                        Different variations of the story exist, but most agree   are sweeping Ethiopia as part of the wave of privatization
                    that a young goat herder by the name of Kaldi after many   which has helped move Ethiopia up the rank of developing
                    sleepless nights watching out over his master’s goats, one   countries and out of the bottom-10, according to World
                    day noticed that the goats turned unusually upbeat and   Bank figures.
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