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P. 49
Something special
we can add to your
tea business: dynamics.
Brandon revealed that,
“I want to represent what
is happening in coffee right
now. I want to tell the story
of specialty coffee, how much
work goes into it and how
many hands have touched
that one cup of coffee.”
A Film About Coffee
has been screening in 15-20
countries around the world
and there has been an over-
whelming response.
“I had a lot of stories of
people about how the movie Over 135 years ago, we set ourselves on an ever accelerating
inspired them and how I course that has kept us at the forefront of the global market-
made them want to continue place. We have continually delivered a vast diversity of teas,
in specialty coffee, so I am very happy to be able to share my fruits, herbs and their extracts, produced and refined in-house.
passion and my joy through this movie and the fact that people Offering our customers the convenience of a one-stop-shop
love this movie is also very endearing to me,” Brandon said broadens our scope of innovative product development and
with a smile on his face. turnkey manufacturing, from customized recipes to the package
After the movie premiere in China, Brandon expressed on store shelves.
his view on the situation of specialty coffee in Asia that, The sound base of all our activities is the safe and reliable
“Although I have not got to visit any coffee farm in Asia, the sourcing of raw materials. We set the bar no lower than the
movie has given me the opportunity to meet some Chinese very highest quality control standards, supervised by the most
producers after the premiere in China and we have shared experienced tea experts. Thanks to all this, we have become
some information and stories about the coffee farm in Asia. I what we’ve always endeavored to be: the leading quality partner
am extremely excited about the Asian coffee market. I believe for quality brands.
that once the ideal specialty coffee catches on there is great
potential for change in the industry which is going to be very
At the end, Brandon also added that, “I would like to
encourage all Coffee t&i readers to watch the movie. I hope the
movie is a tool that you can use to share the information with
other people because sometimes I know that people are really The world of tea under one roof
into the coffee but it is hard to explain all the steps and you
might not even know them yourself. It is also a beautiful film
with incredibly good music. And I think it is worth a watch.”
Tea Specialty Tea Herbs Fruits Tea Extracts Flavouring
Blending Packaging Private Label Quality Management
haels_az_business-activities_Coffee T&I_105x275_39L-300.indd 1 30.01.15 10:38