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        Article/Photos by: CTI China


                     Micro Coffee Roaster

                        Q: Would you please brief introduce yourself ,How did      Q: How did you start MCR ?Why located in Fuzhou
                    you get into coffee business?                  ?Why did you want to be a roaster suppliers as oppose to
                    A: I’m Juan Lin, the Co-founder of the Micro Coffee Roast-  other profession?
                    er. I started MCR with my husband Chao Huang in 2011.      A: MCR is currently located in Fuzhou, the capital
                        Like many coffee people, we fell into coffee by ac-  city of Fujian Province. The reason is very simple, both
                    cident. Everything started from a small café we bought   Chao and I spent our first 20 years in our live in Fuzhou.
                    in Melbourne about 10 years ago and before that we did   We have all family living here. However, in the near
                    not even drink coffee every day. After we took over the   future, we are keen to set up our offices in other major
                    café, we quickly realized that, in Melbourne, cafes serving   cities in order to provide better service to our clients.
                    better coffee would definitely have better business. With-     Why roasting? Everyone knows the potential de-
                    out any hesitation, we invested a new La Marzocco and   mand in specialty coffee market in Asia and coffee roast-
                    changed to a boutique specialty coffee supplier. Within 3   ers will play an important role. Green sourcing, roasting
                    months, the coffee volume got doubled up but we did not   development, marketing and education, there are many
                    stop from there. Soon we bought a small roasters and a   challenges for being a specialty coffee roaster.
                    Synesso coffee machine for our coffee workshop at home
                    in Melbourne, since then, coffee became an important part      Q: Please describe the uniqueness of your café and
                    of our life.                                   roastery business until now ?
                        After years working and managing experience in      A: Focus and innovation are the best words to de-
                    Cafes, as well as being inspired by the emerging trendy   scribe the uniqueness of our roastery. From every green
                    Melbourne Cafés and specialty coffee roasters, we decided   coffee we sourced to every roaster we choose, cupping
                    to try our own specialty coffee venture in a biggest potential   every batch we roast, in all efforts we hope to provide
                    coffee market in the world – China. Started from a simple   the best quality roasted coffee to our customers.
                    idea of opening a café serving the best coffee and a roastery
                    to supply the best roasted coffee to our local market, it took      Q: What are your main markets for your products at
                    us over one year to design and source everything we needed   present?Which is your top-sale product ?
                    to achieve that goal, traveling between countries and com-     A: Our customers are mostly those independent
                    municating with many people. Just like many other roasters   cafes or restaurants who understand what the specialty
                    in the world, we choose an old cast-iron Probat to ensure   coffee is and want to serve high quality coffee to their
                    the best result and consistency. And a pallet of premium   customers. The top-sale products would be our seasonal
                    green coffee shipped from Mercanta UK to start with, in   espresso blends and some popular single origin filter
                    Aug 2011, we opened Micro Coffee Roaster       roast coffee.
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