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would develop into the world’s first cof-  (ECX) where coffee for the export market
                                             fee houses under the Ottoman Empire in   is traded in the afternoon and coffee for
                                             Istanbul.                          the local market is sold through morning
                                                 The second boom in production   sessions. The opening up to a more modern
                                             started in the 1950s when a combination   trading format seeks to both guarantee a
                                             of political incentives toward renovating   higher level of transparency in the Ethio-
                                             farms, supported by foreign development   pian coffee market, while at the same time
                                             agencies and together with the promotion   also helps establish more direct lines of
                                             of the establishment of cooperative cul-  trade for the producing sector, analysts
                                             ture, sparked renewed interest into coffee   said.
                                             growing. Beginning about five years ago,      The trade and market policies aside,
                                             the world was again able to witness a boom   most industry stakeholders believe that
                                             in coffee production from Ethiopia.  the perhaps greatest benefit of the market
                                                                                reforms is that new private investment is
                                             Investment in Production           starting to find its way back into the sec-
                                                 “Coffee production is definitively   tor’s both small holder and large privately
                                             increasing, that is unquestionable,” said   held estates. This is injecting some much-
                                             Yilma Gebrekidan, the general manager of   needed cash into what less than a decade
                                             the Ethiopian Coffee Growers Association   ago was an ailing industry at the brink of
                                             in the capital of Addis Ababa. “Our growers   collapse.
                                             have really done a fantastic job in the last      Since the renovation efforts and ex-
                                             few years and one cannot ignore all the                                        pansion of area started in earnest between
                                             new coffee that is starting to come into   2008 and 2009, production from Ethiopia
                                             production. Everywhere you go today you   has slowly but steadily been growing and
             Since the earliest beginnings of   will see new trees,” said Gebrekidan.  the results are starting to show up in export
         coffee production, and spanning through      A little over 10 years ago a series of   figures as well. In the new 2014-15 crop
         what might be as much as 16 centuries   ambitious economic policies and market   cycle, Ethiopia’s coffee harvest is forecast
         of history, few products have travelled   reforms were introduced by the Ethio-  to yield up to 7.5 million 60-kilogram bags,
         through the changing times of world   pian government. Even though many   according to the Ethiopian Agriculture
         history and evolving drinking habits as   challenges remain for the world’s oldest   Ministry. This is flat (production) to the
         extensively as the sacred little coffee bean.   coffee industry, there is no denying of the   year-ago period but compares to aver-
         Throughout all these years of a constantly   sweeping and positive changes these new   age output between four million and five
         shifting coffee trade, the Ethiopian coffee   investment friendly policies have had for   million bags in the 10 years prior to the
         industry has similarly continued to trans-  the overall growth of the sector and that   renovation starting.
         form. And the sheer volume of unexplored   of the country.                  “We are really excited about this
         botanical material still available in Ethiopia      In 2008, the reforms led to the cre-  because there has always been a huge
         makes it all the more fascinating.  ation of the Ethiopia Commodity Exchange   demand for coffee from Ethiopia thanks
             “There is a reason why Ethiopia
         became the birthplace of coffee, why cof-
         fee started growing here in the wild in the   “ Few products have traveled through the changing
         first place,” said Taye Kufa, senior coffee   times of world history and evolving drinking habits as
         researcher and director of the Jimma
         Agricultural Research Center, located in   extensively as the sacred little coffee bean.        ”
         the town of the same name. Having al-
         ready tracked down about 6,000 different
         Arabica varieties within the boundaries
         of Ethiopia alone, Kufa said the research
         center “still has so many uncovered areas,
         like in Harar where coffee plant material
         collected have yet to be catalogued” and
         studied in detail. And all along the con-
         tinuing discovery, coffee growing is now
         reaching what might be considered the
         third significant boom in Ethiopia.
             The first surge in global coffee pro-
         duction took place between the 10th and
         12th centuries when Arab traders based in
         and around the Red Sea strait near the port
         of Mocha initiated the pioneering major
         commercial plantings of coffee in southern
         Yemen. It was with this new line of supply
         that coffee started forming into a global
         commodity and what by the 16th century
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