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P. 48
Article by: Ed Arvidson
Photos by: Coffee t&i Thailand
Creating an Effective Guerrilla Marketing
Completely Unexpected
Humorous Guerrilla
One Shot Event Marketing
Cheap to Implement
Promote Goodwill
Promoting your business and advertising what it has
to offer is essential to its growth and success. However, if
you don’t have the budget to fight it out with the “big boys”
in your industry, then how do you compete? Answer: you’ll
need to concentrate on your own “guerrilla marketing” ef-
forts. Guerrilla marketing is akin to being a “guerrilla fighter.”
Guerrilla fighters employ unconventional, low cost tactics
to compete with a larger, more formidable foe. which delivers a marketing message. Obviously, the more
According to Alexander Reidl, former marketing people that witness your event the better, so it should be
director of Volvo Middle East, there are six characteristics orchestrated to occur where a large number of people will
that every guerrilla marketing campaign should possess; be. Also, the more extraordinary the event is, the more
they are: likely those who witnessed it will want to talk about it, or
broadcast it via social media, thus helping you leverage
1. It should be Completely Unexpected: your marketing efforts.
The marketing event, activity, or stunt you plan, One possible unexpected consequence of staging
should be a completely unexpected surprise. A surprising an event, is that you run the risk that your target audience
situation will tend to heighten the attention of those who may end up having negative feelings about your actions.
witness it. This opportunity should be used to convey a Therefore, you should be careful as you build campaigns
message or motivate an action. The action may include so that they will minimize any possible negative effects or
visiting your business, or checking out a website page feelings that might arise from an element of surprise.