Page 45 - #46 English
P. 45

to be roasted they will be hulled with a
                                                                                 machine that will peel the coffee from the
                                                                                 parchment and classify by size.
                                                                                      Once the beans had been sorted I
                                                                                 was ready to continue with my three experi-
                                                                                 mental processes; Honey, Ethiopia washed,
                                                                                 and Burundi dry. One of the main arguments
                                                                                 we had at the farm was that Sebastian (son
                                                                                 of the farmer, Kurt Legner, who was Ger-
                                                                                 man immigrant) wanted to use the whole
                                                                                 harvest I had sorted and add it with other
                                                                                 harvests with better quality cherries, red,
                                                                                 for pulp-natural process. Sebastian had lack
                                                                                 of confidence in other processing methods
                                                                                 that I implemented, I knew experimenting
                                                                                 with washed Ethiopia and dry Burundi
                                                                                 processes might turn into something not
                                                                                 worthy, it may or may not ruin all the hard
                                                                                 work I had put into those experiments, but
                                                                                 there was no turning back, I refused to give
                                                                                 up and always thought positively.
                                                                                      December 4, 2014 was my last har-
                                                                                 vest which I called mission completed. The
                                                                                 next step was finishing with drying the rest
         of coffee by each processing method, but      I wanted to add a high quality level   we had so far and give them enough rest-
         accomplishing this solo was much harder   to the coffee of Puerto Rico and make   ing time before hulling. I was nervous and
         than I thought. Essentially, what I was doing   it recognized and respected around the   excited at the same time. Below is a walk
         at Hacienda Pomarrosa was not what they   world. My next step was adding some great   through of that process.
         were used to. I was trying to change their   dimensions to the coffee. Unfortunately, the      The Ethiopia washed process began
         perspective which was very challenging.  results of their previous years crop were not   with a primary fermentation of 48 hours,
               The first thing I did when I arrived   promising due to improper processing and   adding a bit of water to cover the surface of
         at the farm was to remove defects from   sorting. I dedicated my processing methods   the beans. Every 12 hours the beans were
         green beans from the previous years crop. I   and vouched that those who never tried or   washed thoroughly with clean water, and
         finally cupped and brewed the coffee using   tasted coffee from Puerto Rico would be   clean water added. After that I had a second-
         Chemex, and the result was outstanding.   pleasantly surprised.         ary under water fermentation for another 48
         That coffee, and it was the first and last one      After the selection at the sorting   hours, instead of 24, where water was filled
         that tasted better - others did not get near to   table, cherries will be pushed manually to   all the way to the top of the tank, allowing
         perfection, changed my mind of what could   a pipe where the coffee travels by water   beans to stay in clean water after initial
         be done in local farms to improve quality   and it arrives in the de-pulper where a   mucilage was removed in the first stage
         in spite of hardship, to create something   machine removes the skin of the cherries.   of fermentation. This process was aimed
         unique and attractive, rather than boring. It   The green beans will travel to the drying   to highlight some acidity and after double
         had a medium body, with a velvety feel, very   room and soaked in water overnight. Then   fermentation the coffee beans were washed
         warm and lovely, but challenging, by taking   the coffee is put in a mechanical silo dryer,   by hand. This was before being moved to
         all your senses to find hidden treasures of   and dries with an indirect flame for 24 or   the mechanical dryer. After drying, when
         this island coffee. It had very mild acidity   36 hours. After the drying phase the coffee   the targeted moisture level reached between
         with notes of prunes, milk chocolate, and   is covered with parchment and goes to the   10-12%, beans were moved to warehouse
         dark raisins.                       storage facility. When the beans are ready   to rest in parchment.

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